Found Kathy I think
Submitted by bare_elf on Sat, 2015-06-13 00:49 | ||
I believe I found the correct KathyCF on Literature Network Forums. From a post I found there it appears she was in a traffic accident and bumped her head. She was able to write the post so I assume that she must be alive although I have not heard anything from her even after becoming a member of the Literature Network Forums and sending her a PM and posting on her blog. blogs: |
Hey, it's me. I replyed to your email. I was able to log into the site using chrome as my browser because firefox was displaying the siege the day home page as a bunch of drupal code. Don't know what happened there, the site has been down for me for a couple of weeks. It wasn't until I got your email that it occurred to me to try a different browser. I want to use firefox, but it seems I cannot. weird. I will have to use Chrome to access the site and that sucks. Oh well
I haven't been to the lit forum for a few years now. The car accident was several years ago.
anyway, I'm here!
Odd, I have the site bookmarked in Firefox and is working fine.
Hi Kathy I have been using firefox with no problem. Now some people have found with various browsers like Dulac had to include the http:// in the site name so you might try http// with firefox
Sorry I thought you had a car accident but like wow you where not here for so long I panicked
Firefox was updated recently to be stricter on SSL certificates, and that broke a number of sites for me, too. If you grant the site an exception, then it delivers the main page, but things like stylesheets, scripts, and images may get rejected without a prompt to allow them. That can break a site that depends on client-side code.
This one still works for me, but Bethsoft's site is unusable in Firefox at present. It probably depends on where you are, and whether a proxy service like Akamai or CloudFlare is delivering part of the content.
Yes, I figured there would be people who have been using firefox just fine, but it isn't working for me. Thanks for the tip ghastley, I will check into adding permission.
My version of Google Chrome is an epic fail, no customization and no way that I can see to adjust font sizes. I NEED LARGE TYPE TO SEE things comfortably, ugh I am just so frustrated.
Anyway, I appreciate the concern Lili, and once this stupid browser issue is fixed I will be back to checking daily.
Most of the browsers now respond to CTRL/+ and CTRL/- to increase and decrease font size, but they may treat it as a more general zoom in/out and enlarge images and other things as well. So you may end up scrolling sideways because you made the font bigger, so the whole page got bigger.
Opera 12.17 has a slider bar on the lower right of the screen that allows you to make fonts bigger and smaller and does not change the actual screen size of the site's page until you get really really large.
With Chrome you can try this
How to set the font size for all webpages
You can adjust the size of text on webpages.
Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Settings.
Click Show advanced settings.
In the "Web Content" section, use the "Font size" drop-down menu to make adjustments.
Some websites prevent the browser from changing just text size. For those sites, Chrome won’t be able to adjust the font size.
Open the menu on right (it is the box with the three lines one above the other) about half way down the page is a zoom function. I tried zooming the site and it worked quite well in both full screen mode and windowed mode. You have to zoom to over 200% before it distorts the web page.
Yep, thanks all, I was able to customize the font size. yay
Typing in the full address in firefox (http ect) did not work in (my version) of firefox. I will have to do something about the certificate or whatever as ghastley suggests. At any rate I can now see what I am typing