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Paljas Tonttu is bored.

I have a new character ready to go, but what map should I play? Her Name is Paljas Tonttu and she is bored sitting in the inn getting drunk and a little fat from eating all the snacks. She has skills as a ranger and combat magic. Please tell her what map needs to be played. Your advise is worth at least a drink and some munchies before she passes out or throws up.




Paljas Tonttu is the same name -- Like calling me Canis Lupis is same name.
DOG think the elf is funny, but she lets me drink from bathtub, sleep in bed and chase cats so also good elf.

Woof oooooooooooooooh woooooooooo bark

From Wiktionary:
"Paljas" (Finnish, where Tonttu comes from) = bare
"Paljas" (Dutch) = buffoon

So the elf is both bare and funny. Bi-lingual pun!