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DS1 or DS2

DS1 vs DS2

I have been playing DS1/LoA Legends of Utrae to be exact. Doing this I have discovered things I like about both DS1 and DS2 and things I dislike about both.
I like that DS1 has eight party members, two more than DS2. I like the radar in DS2 showing where monsters, vendors, guests and other things are located. I feel lost playing DS1 after playing DS2. I like the way characters move in DS1 it requires fewer mouse clicks. I also like the fact that in DS1 you do not use different mouse keys for movement and attack. I like the fact that in DS1 your character can have equipped both a ranged and melee weapon at the same time and does not require un-equipping one type to equip the other. I do like the fact in DS2 you can carry two melee weapons (Dual Wield). I like the configuration of the spell book in Broken World which gives you 2 more active spell slots than DS1 and 4 auto cast slots. Even the DS2 Spell Book has advantages over the DS1 spell book. Four active spell slots and two auto cast spell slots. I like the specialties that exist is DS2 giving one some very useful powers, this is missing from DS1. I like the yellow stash trunks of DS2 so that one does not have to carry all your inventory with you. I like the Pets that exist in Broken World and are missing in DS1. I like the summoned characters of DS1 better than DS2, because there are actually mods that exist for DS1 that allow you to summon people. There was actually a mod that allowed you to summon real people who where members of Herena_Forge. You may or may not recall Herena_Forge, but we had some very fun and funny DS1 mods there. A pack rabbit for carrying things (like a pet in Broken World). A gun that shot frogs that made the monsters croak. So I can say that there are good things about all the versions of the game. Overall I would have to give the best version of the game title to Broken World.




With Revived in DS1 you get paired weapons (the Katar pairings)


Araknuum's picture

I've been using them wrong THIS WHOLE TIME! Not once on my numerous plays through with Revived did I ever stop to think, "oh, these might work if I used two of the same one!" I put the katar in the shield slot with my melee weapon of choice still in the other, and pronounced the Katar BROKEN and UNPLAYABLE and never asked or thought about it again except to mutter "well, that's broken, but Revived is still good so is forgived."


On a further, more on topic note, Hi Elf! Greetings anyone who reads this, and I disagree...

I found Broken World was too jumbled, too out of my hands, and too dependant on leveling characters correctly, i.e. certain skill paths could screw you bad. This is acceptable to a degree until mobs start numbering in the double digits, with strange resistances, and my party coherency is shattered by conflicting orders. I agree that DS2 did a number of things right, and that BW improved the original game in some great ways, but the new map with its unforgiving combat and ambiguous complexity, quickly ended my first 3 attempts to play through it. I LOVE that you and Iryan and others have ported 1 to 2, and may reinstall BW just for Blood Assassin Ehb some day, but I much prefer LoA, and specific to that, Hyperborea, more than anything I got from DS2.

My preference may indeed hinge on the potential, rather than actual gameplay that I enjoy from LoA. Hyperborea is closest to my dream game than vanilla, as it tended to make combat quick and scary. Small party size, more damage on both ends of combat, and mobs tuned specifically to cause unexpected situations, gave LoH a higher skill cap and greater rewards for learning the ropes. My memory of that first dark elf enemy, and how many different ways I dealt with him on numerous playthroughs, not to mention how I uninstalled LoH at first because of him... That's key to my love of the Dungeon Siege franchise.

No attempt is made here to knock your preference, only to state and clarify my own. Smile Perhaps more can be done to merge the two than we've begun to even dream? Though, I'm very sure there are those who, like me, still wake up some mornings from dreams of modding or destroying the indigenous of Arrana.


I'm mixed on BW, I like the new classes(which is why I like the Ancients Mod).

It's a little too mixed steampunk/post Apocalypse/Gothic horror . I would REALLY REALLY REALLY like and ending where I can pound Celia into a bloody smear Shark
