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Legends of Utrae

I have off and on been replaying Legends of Utrae with Adepts. Looking down all the side paths and trails. As you are aware DS1 does not have the advantage of radar like DS2 however I have played Legends of Utrae 3.2 so many times over the years the radar is in my brain. I know pretty much where all the good stuff is hidden and where the powerful monsters are. I thought I would visit again tonight and I am now at Dornek's Quarry and ready to head back to the temple and then on to Meren - I really should not clear Dornek's Quarry because he is such a N00b and sissy but I really need to complete all the quests or it feels like I really did not complete the game.




I have saves with over 20 hours played and I am still in Meren. Yes, I am a slowpoke... Smile

Really??? :mrgreen:

18 hrs in and not yet to Falren Laughing out loud

Insane :silly: Dwarf

sigofmugmort1 wrote:
Really??? :mrgreen:

18 hrs in and not yet to Falren Laughing out loud

Insane :silly: Dwarf

Wow, someone slower than me? Cool! :silly:

Four hours 46 minutes and finally in Meren. Like I said I been playing off and on a few minutes here and a few minutes there. I dread Meren not for the monsters or pirates, but the fact that there are 3 really good characters to hire and I already have seven party members! Which do I pick the Elf, the Half Giant or the Human? Do I release two of the people that I have already hired and get all three? This time I am going to hire the Half Giant for a second to get his quest, drop him closer to the inn so he does not have too far to walk for a beer. Then sneak back to the shrine and hire the Elf. Then it is off to remove the pirates and get their secret treasure. Now for a nap and then off to the cloud forest to find the town stone, the silly bird and the bandits. Oh I did clear Dornek's Quarry and took a wrong turn back to Dornek which yelled some nice loot.


Come on Kathy and Sigofmugmort stop poking slows and catch up. I most likely will not go much farther until Sunday so you got 72 hours to Meet me in Meren for Lunch and tab is on me.

Hmmm, My Farmgirl now has a Newspaper sword, King's Toy armor and a neat Bone crossbow so I can probably make it on Saturns Day ^^ Insane

:silly: Dwarf

I'll have a chef's salad and an ice coffee, thanks Laughing out loud

I'm thinking a Dark Rum and Coke ore Iced Tea with grilled Mangler in Honey :woot: Dwarf

:dance1: Dwarf

I hear grilled mangler in honey is the chef's specialty. I wouldn't order the filleted Mucosa legs though...

By the way sigofmugmort1, who are those two npc's with your farmgirl? I don't think I have seen them before. It looks like you are playing with the Cutie girl revived mod, I am as well, but I don't think I have come across those two women.

They are from the Inn at Fallren, one in the main room and one upstairs

Dwarf (sigofmugmort,aka sigofmugmort1)

I think one is a melee person and the other a caster.