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Dawn of the Third Age ... A DS2 map

garthagain's picture

Want to pick up where DS2 and Broken World ended?
I have a large open map nearing completion, with many unique features. I hope to have "Dawn of the Third Age" uploaded somewhere by July 2017.

Description = "Valdis, the Cinbri are gone,new villains emerge as the land reawakens.Level 50+"
Modders and Map builders should find the resource file and map itself usefull in building thier own maps and mods.



I look forward to the map garthagain. Interesting concept dawn of the third age. New villains good idea as the old ones where overused. If you need new armor or maybe weapons or a wolf pet or two let me know. I like testing mods too.
The Elf Dance looking for a new mod to play with.

Looks very promising! Smile

And even if there seem to be not many monsters yet, sometimes I just like walking around on maps to enjoy the environment.

Looks fantastic! A lot of attention to detail in these screenshots, as far as Dungeon Siege goes.