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I have the urge to write a pamphlet

I have the urge to write a pamphlet, containing the following chapters.
Chapter 1. How to find your right hand.
Chapter 2. How to read and understand road signs for the motorist, cyclist and jogger.
Chapter 3. Multi-use trail etiquette.
Chapter 4. How to figure out your direction with no compass.

However I can not come up with a title or how to explain which hand is your right hand. Several of the chapters depend on knowing which hand is your right hand.



... write a pamphlet ...

2. How to read ...

I can see a problem with this if the target of the pamphlet can't read.


Right hand is easier - you just need a source of polarized light and a sugar solution.

Or grab a live wire with your fingers wrapped around in the direction of the magnetic field. If the current is in the direction of your thumb, you used your right hand. If the current flows up your arm, you don't care any more.

Low-tech answer:-

(1) Stand somewhere outdoors in the middle of the day. Face towards the sun.
(2) Stay there, facing the same way until the sun sets. The sun is now off to one side and that side is your right hand side.

(Should the weather be cloudy, try again the next day.)

This will work for where you (bare_elf) live and for where I live. Our antipodean friends must convert "right" to "left" and anyone living in the tropics will be really confused, but never mind, that still leaves plenty of people to market the book at.

ghastley wrote:
... write a pamphlet ...

2. How to read ...

I can see a problem with this if the target of the pamphlet can't read.

Very funny ghastley The person can read, they just do not read road signs or refuse to believe what the sign says. As an example there is a street in my area that has a sign. No through traffic bicycles excepted. If cars drive down this street, they discover at the end a gate just big enough for a bicycle or person walking to fit through. However every day I see cars driving down this street that do not live on it get to the end and make a U turn. Once there was even a car jammed in the gate, with several police officers, a tow truck driver and several residents standing about laughing at the person stuck in the car. Another example signs that say no parking fire lane. Cars parked in the fire lane. You tell the person who's car is parked, engine not running; You can not park here. They reply oh I am not parking I am just waiting for someone or something.

"To err is human, but to really foul things up takes a computer." Or, in the case of a motorist (especially a lorry driver) stuck somewhere they should never have gone, a sat-nav.

Based on your last two posts I can now tell someone who is north of The Tropic of Cancer (23°26′13.2″ north of the Equator) how to find north on a sunny day with only a device to tell time. From sun up to just prior to noon stand with the sun on your right shoulder and where your eyes look is generally North. To find north from just afternoon to sunset stand so the sun is on your left shoulder and where you are looking is generally North. On a clear night finding north is also simple use a star chart to find the north star.

I have also figured out how a person can figure out which is their right hand with a simple image when viewed from their computer, tablet or smart phone. Or for those using the written pamphlet when taped to a wall.

Direction for use. Stand facing the image (that means to look at the image) your right hand is on the same side of your body as in the image.
