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Installing Dungeonsiege Toolkit 1.7 and the dungeonsiege II toolkit today

Installing Dungeonsiege Toolkit 1.7 and the dungeonsiege II toolkit today on windows 10...oh what fun we will have lol



Darkelf wrote:

Installing Dungeonsiege Toolkit 1.7 and the dungeonsiege II toolkit today on windows 10...oh what fun we will have lol

Were you able to get DS 1 toolkit working? I mean, besides the super happy fun time of installation. My computer doesn't have an optical drive so I copied my ds 1/ LoA game files from another computer. I have the Steam installation for DS 1 and 2.

yes both installed wonderfully, extracted the ds and ds2 resources...i will need to load win 7 machine to get the modding files i need though....

they make usb cd/dvd burner optical drives they dont cost much.