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Has anyone seen Kathy

Kathy appears to be missing, I have not seen an entry in her blog or on the forums in over a month. Sure hope she is okay and not lost in some underground passage in Boston!

Kathy come back we need you.




I haven't been here in an age - cruising around in Skyrim, ahem..

Nice to see you here, your Elfishness..

Hope Kathy shows up..

Nice to see you here too Blondin235 how have you been Smile

Hey Elfy-

I'm back again. Nothing as exotic as getting lost in the underground of Boston though. Sad Thanks for thinking of me. :hug:

Hi Blondin!

I am glad you where not stuck under Boston, Happy you have returned :welcome: back. I think of you because you are my friend. :hug: Now stay put :spider:

:goofy: Elf

Hurray..!! :woot:

Hiya, kathycf - lovely to see you again..