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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

They must have been sucked into a vortex

I am starting to believe that everyone except for the poor spammers has found the real world again. No new posts except for mine and the normal spammer pack in 18 hours. Did everyone go on vacation and forget to invite me? Maybe I just spend to much time here hiding from the real world Insane




Sharkull's picture

At least most of the spam is caught in the approval queue... I just deleted a page and a half.

And yeah, that pesky thing called real life can be time consuming... lol.

Ve're all here in this vortex having a vacation. You weren't invited because Elf doesn't begin with "V".

ghastley wrote:
Ve're all here in this vortex having a vacation. You weren't invited because Elf doesn't begin with "V".

O I C Elf does not begin with "v" Vare_Vlf vonders vhy vhe vid vot vhink vf vhat.