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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

new computer

Have a new computer Asus C6730 Desktop PC with Intel Core i3-3220T Processor,4GB DDR3 Memory,1TB SATA Hard Drive,HD2500 Integrated Graphic,Windows 7 Pro
I now have a home for my Galaxy - GeForce GT 620 2GB DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 Graphics Card and my old IDE hard drive, I used a IDE to Sata adapter at first it did not work but I forgot to change the drive from cable select to master.
Now I will have to spend a few days getting my software installed and running. Windows 7 is kind of a demanding OS telling me are you really sure you want to install that program, it could hurt your computer. Then having to run some programs as administrator and telling it to use Windows XP compatability. What annoys me the most is how win 7 think it knows better than me where the icons should go on the desktop. Oh well I had to learn win98se then windows xp so I guess I can manage Windows 7 professional.




I hated the upgrade from Windows 98se to Windows XP because everything was different. Then I got to really enjoy Windows XP and I am really hating windows 7 even more than I originally hated XP. Every time I try to install something it asks me do you really want to do that. I tell it YES I REALLY DO! Then it asks me again or yells at me that I need to have admin privileges to do the install.
I yelled at the computer "Hey you stupid #(&#% operating system, I am the system administrator, I know what I want to install, and further more as far as you are concerned I am GOD. I installed you and if you look at my log in you will see that I am the system administrator. So stop telling me if I continue to have a problem ask the system administrator for help. First of all I do not talk to myself, which is quite strange really since I am talking to software~

Yeah Right Happy New Year. If it continues like this I think I will visit Redmond Washington and do a bit of MS hunting. I know wiping out that pack of engineers would not solve anything but it would make me feel better for a few minutes.

Control Panel, User Accounts, Change User Account Control settings (if you haven't already found it).

Almost as soon as I had Windows 7 I went to download something innocuous (I forget what) and the site thought to itself, well of course he wants my download manager instead of the Microsoft one, and that means of course he wants somebody else's web browser, so was all set to re-configure half my system uninvited, but "ask me first" gave me a chance to stop it.

Biggest thing on 7 I had to get my head round, that I hadn't been told about: with the drive partitioned into C: and D:, dragging a file from one folder to another, both on the same letter, means "move"; dragging from a folder on C: to one on D:, or vice versa, means "copy".

I discovered both of those things and have experimented with setting in the user account control settings. Most of the issues I have with windows 7 is that the operating system thinks it knows better than me what I want to install.
Thank you anyways

- the WindowKey+Tab combo is fun in Windows7.. :woot: