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Status Check?

That feller, Loneknight, who was working on the Derelict project.
Is he still.. you know.. in existence? Looking through forums, not just on Siegetheday but on other old DS websites, and it doesn't even look like he left a message ever saying he quit. Just dropped off the face of the earth.
Which is a shame because it sounded like the mod he was working on, however crazily ambitious for Dungeon Siege and it's limitations, sounded like it showed promise. Plus he showed some passion about it.

Honestly, I wish I could go back in time to when I first discovered Dungeon Siege, back when it was really alive. Tell my past self to not waste time doing bugger all and go online, download all these mods that no longer exist and archive them all somewhere. Or something like that. Because while looking for this particular individual, I'd noticed several other forums, all of which seemed to talk about really cool mods, whether they were released, planned, or in beta stages.

I always wondered why DS deflated as much as it has. Sure, I get that it becomes tedious to replay the same thing over and over again, but I would think that there'd be more people wanting to mod it, because as I know it, it's a surprisingly moddable game. Replay value may not be immense, but I didn't think it was a game that people just forgot about.

Ah, well.



Yes Raymus he is still alive, however I do not believe he is modding DS any longer.