How is everyone?
Submitted by sol77 on Wed, 2016-01-27 14:26 | ||
Just popped in to say hi. ^^ Oh, and there's a new addition to our family. Milo was born two months ago. blogs: |
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Yes congratulations. Will keep you even busier.
Nice to see you Sol77, I have missed you humor and wit. Congrats of the new addition to the family. To answer your question Sol77 I believe we are all fine here, I know that I am 97.5% fine the remainder is just
Best wishes to the growing "sol77" family. Congrats!
Here's to hoping we'll end up having 77 little sol's running 'round.
Raise 'em right!
Congratulations ^_^ I hope he will like the game as much as you do
Huzzah!! :woot:
Congratulations on the new addition.
Good evening, I just wanted to say hello here rather than starting a new thread.
it's nice to see a happy community, and congrats on your baby Sol!
I've spent 12 hours reading about small mods for DS2, I arrived at the dark wizards spire, quickly ran away to adjust my inventory and complete some side quests... still haven't found an appropriate fix to the interrupted banter, but it is what it is...
great experience for a fledgling digi-artist