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The Battle for The Ehbish (Ehbian?) Farm Lands!

Araknuum's picture

Ehbites? :neutral:

Anyway, I got it all working. By all, I don't mean even half of what I started working on. I mean that I've edited Attack, Model Size, Movement Velocity, Tenacity, and Group Behavior for the 3 main enemy types you find between your farm and the burnt bridge. Unmodded currently are Snappers and Wolves. All Krug, Phrak*, Scrubb*, and Krug Dogs have changed, most significantly, the Krug. Phrak and Scrubb require more testing.

*What I found while looking at their Base and Child templates was that Attack Range is confusing. The [phrak_piercer] is the Ranged variant of Phrak, and Scrubb are all Ranged. The attacks for these actors are Spells, located in spl_spell.gas. On this attempt, I changed only the Attack Range and Damage values located in spl_spell.gas, which I will test more, but is probably not working. It's trickier to discern differences in Ranged attack values if you don't introduce huge changes first to see if it worked at all. Also, by the time I'd reached a playable state last night, I had been fighting to find a problem which made every monster except Krug, disappear. The problem there was a single semi-colon in my SM_Phrak_AI.dsres....

Anyway. The Monsters all spawn now, and their behavior is discernibly different from Vanilla DS. This is partly due to changes to [actor_evil] [mind] in templates.gas:

		actor_balanced_attack_preference		= 0.8;
		job_travel_distance_limit			= 45;    //20
		on_engaged_lost_consciousness_abort_attack	= false; //true
		on_job_reached_travel_distance_abort_attack     = false; //true
		jat_fidget									= world\ai\jobs\common\job_fidget.skrit
			?still									= false;

A greater amount of behavior modification can be attributed to changes in the Base Templates for Krug, Krug Dog, and Phrak. NO CHANGES were made to scrubb.gas because I'm testing how Attack Range, Speed and Damage are actually implemented for them and the [phrak_piercer]. Plus, nothing about Scrubb behavior is particularly interesting to edit, since they just pop up outa the ground in one spot and don't move. Maybe Engage Ranges? Maybe later. I'd rather they just had more Attack Range and Speed, making them more of a threat when you can't deal with them right away or without avoiding too many hits. If my inclusion of SM_Spells_For_AI.dsres (awkward name, yeah?) hasn't changed the values I seek, I'll remove it and edit those same values found in [phrak_piercer] and [scrubb_farm]. if neither work, well, back to the learning curve. Smile
