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Error message

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Progress, and Other Arbitrary Labels

Araknuum's picture

Progress has been made. I have no errors so far, and I've edited every Enemy (for real, all of em this time) from Farmhouse to Crypt, again. The game speed is more frantic, and the ability to pause, change weapon/spell, and then decide on actions is heavily relied upon. I've added some useful rewards to the Edgaar's Basement Quest, and I'm beginning to add more useful and consistent loot to Boss drops. I've a long, long way to go, but the foundation I've built so far could support a full overhaul of Ehb. A Rebalance that not only satisfies me and my quirky play style, but can refresh the game for standard full party playthroughs at any difficulty. I understand that my proposed Mod won't be very compatible with quite a few other Mods, but it will also have a greater scope (hopefully) than many of the Rebalancing and AI Mods I've come across so far. Revived is practically it's own game mode, and My mod won't be adding any items or spells to the game, yet. I do have plans to balance some spells for use by a single character party, but I believe I'll keep that as a separate feature because many of them will be made overpowered in the hands of dedicated mages. I'm also toying with making a dedicated spell for the Phrak Boss, as she currently shares her attack with Phrak Piercer. I'll keep it in mind. The important thing here is that I have a working set of Mods, 13 (edit: it's 12 for AI portion) individual .dsres files that I edited myself, and they work pretty well so far. I've Made a Mod, and it feels like I'm only getting started on a journey that could lead to something wonderful. BUT, I couldn't be doing this without you, I'd have no support, and no motivation to write out my thoughts. Thank you!

Since I'm still in the first stages, I haven't thought of making this Mod public, but if you're interested in seeing what I'm doing, PM and I'll see about how to get you a copy. Though, it's entirely possible you could make these changes yourself! Wink
