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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

I thought we were friends!?

Araknuum's picture

The image above may be graphic, but don't let what you are seeing frighten you. Yes, Dungeon Siege actors can attack their friends, or become so anti-social that you'll never see two of a kind anywhere near each other (GASP), unless you do happen to catch a fight or chase going on.

Mostly, changing these parameters in templates has led to some very strange and broken behaviors, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, or if my changes are broken at different priority levels in the game's Jat files, or if all my assumptions are still as wrong as before, only now I'm assuming I'll find a way no matter how wrong I am. I do know that Krug who are set to be 100% destructive, to pick up items on their own, and then spew their inventories on death, and even equip weapons they find, are possible and can be hard to beat, because they have all the stuff you need that would've been free... They're looting, and they don't share so you have to kill them all to get any of the things in barrels and crates. I had to change the inventory size for Krug, so they could pack the loot in... I'll edit with a screenshot soon, there's still issues where they aren't scripted to use bows, but will try and it breaks things... I DID add a chance to switch to ranged to them, and that might be another part of the problem... Smile

The point to all of this modding is clearer to me know. I can see why I'm so interested in getting brains to function in more advanced and believable ways, it's because they can. Brains (in DS, I'm no psychicoligo), are what make assumptive and pre concluded decisions, and can be changed to operate under some unique assumptions of their own, like whether or not a friendly character got too close for comfort. Some reactions to triggers can be given an occurrence chance, which means the behavior might change drastically if the right conditions are met. There are several "General Moods" that I'm about to study, by changing disposition_orders, wherever they are listed. I did come across Alignment_switcher.skrit, which looks like a fantastic reference as well. Krug Lab is a place now so, we'll see how they react when I commence my own Utraean Genetic Manipulations! MUHWAHWAHWHAHWHAHWWHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAm!
