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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

I am a bad modder

Instead of a Modder I think I am a Mudder. Because when I move away from Armor or Weapons and attempt to add or modify a character like the summoned black wolf or modify terrain I am hopelessly lost. I feel like Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airman because like them I am lost in the ozone. It would be much easier to just live in the game and edit the things from within. Open an Archery School (like I have in the town Yadehtegeis) I think I would also open a wolf training school, so they would not attack dragons without ranged support. So they would bark when they needed a health potion, and so on. The two other things I would have to do is give one of the blacksmiths blueprints for mountain bikes and find a way to make rubber tires as wooden bicycle tires would just not work. Ramble on the Elf does. Then again I could develop dementia, and only remember things that I never knew before.

giggle giggle giggle Insane



hmm I must be doing something wrong Sad but did get in game

Darkelf wrote:
hmm I must be doing something wrong Sad but did get in game

I had the same problem with Kathy's zombies when I first installed the mod. You may wish to look at Kathy's Zombie Thread it see if I posted a fix. I think what I did was to copy the zombie skins and outfits into the correct places in Cat Mansion Adepts as I thought it was a cat mansion issue. Also where you able to get the wolf summon to function?


found them in loa shop

working on a new wolf -

Hey DE: Smile

What map are you trying to play and what other mods do you have going? Are you using vanilla DS or running the LoA exec?

I changed the heroes.gas for the zombies quite extensively, so anything else that changes heroes will make the zombies go bonkers. I just don't understand because I didn't alter the models or animations, nothing like that...I just added textures. Puzzled Maybe I messed up the heroes file or something? hmm. I guess it could be an error in the skins section, maybe a bad head? I used the head choices for the females from DS Revived.

I can't do much troubleshooting now, as it's 2 am and I really should go to bed.

I always feel guilty when my mods don't work, so hopefully we can all put our heads together and see what happens.

Here is heroes:

It doesn't look like I messed up on the armor version or the actual model part, and I left all the animations and stuff as they were. I mostly made changes to the starting inventory items. I used the vanilla DS heroes, not the LoA version.

I r confused. Shock

	doc = "This is a hero that the actor can choose at the start of game";
	specializes = actor_good;
		can_level_up = true;
		race = human;
			strength 	=	0, 0, 11;
			intelligence= 	0, 0, 10;
			dexterity	= 	0, 0, 10;
		life_recovery_unit   = 2;
		life_recovery_period = 4;

		mana_recovery_unit   = 2;
		mana_recovery_period = 3;
		ammo_attach_bone = weapon_grip;
		attack_range = 0.5;
		reload_delay = 0;
   		damage_max = 0;
		damage_min = 0;
		effect_name = melee_hit_2;
		membership = hero;
		auto_expiration_class = never;
		forced_expiration_class = never;
		grid_height = 13;
		grid_width = 4;
			In my mind's eye, I see... a bunch of skrit code.

		//	jobs

		jat_attack_object_melee 	= world\ai\jobs\actors\good\job_player_attack_object_melee.skrit;
		jat_attack_object_ranged	= world\ai\jobs\actors\good\job_player_attack_object_ranged.skrit;
		jat_fidget					= world\ai\jobs\actors\good\job_player_fidget.skrit;
		jat_brain					= world\ai\jobs\common\brain_hero.skrit;
		jat_listen					= world\ai\jobs\common\job_listen.skrit;

		//	params

		melee_engage_range              = 1.9;
		ranged_engage_range             = 13.0;
		sensor_scan_period              = 0.25;
		sight_range                     = 15.0;

		actor_life_ratio_low_threshold  = 0.5;
		actor_life_ratio_high_threshold = 0.8;
		actor_mana_ratio_low_threshold  = 0.5;
		actor_mana_ratio_high_threshold = 0.8;

		actor_weapon_preference         = WP_NONE;

		//	permissions

		combat_orders                              = CO_LIMITED;
		movement_orders                            = MO_LIMITED;

		actor_auto_switches_to_magic               = false;
		actor_auto_defends_others                  = true;
		actor_auto_heals_others_life               = true;
		actor_auto_switches_to_karate              = false;
        actor_auto_switches_to_melee               = false;

		on_enemy_entered_icz_switch_to_melee       = false;
		on_engaged_lost_consciousness_abort_attack = false;
		fire_effect = human_physics_fire;
        fire_resistance = 0.0;
        fire_burn_threshold = 999;
        elasticity = 0.2;
	[player_custom] {}

	doc = "Farm boy base template";
	specializes = hero;
	[actor] { portrait_icon=b_gui_ig_i_ic_c_fb_01; }
		model = m_c_gah_fb_pos_a1;
			0 = b_c_gah_fb_skin_04;
			1 = b_c_pos_a1_008;
			[die] { *=s_e_die_male; }
		armor_version = gah_fb;
		avg_move_velocity =4.500000;
		initial_chore = chore_fidget;
			body_anterior = bip01_head;
			body_mid = bip01_spine2;
			body_posterior = bip01_pelvis;
			kill_bone = bip01_spine2;
			shield_bone = shield_grip;
			weapon_bone = weapon_grip;
			chore_prefix = a_c_gah_fb_fs;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_attack_sub;
					0mid = at;
					high = at-02;
					loww = at-03;
					extr = at-04;
					qffg = dff;

					rat0 = at2-01;
					rat1 = at2-02;
					sffg = dff2;
					fs0 = 1.250; // ac_beastfu (bite/claw/etc.)
					fs1 = 0.830; // ac_sword + no shied (Single handed weapon)
					fs2 = 0.830; // ac_sword + shield (Single handed weapon, plus a shield)
					fs3 = 1.250; // ac_axe + is two handed (battle-axe, halberd, etc.)
					fs4 = 1.250; // ac_sword + is_two_handed (Short Handled 2-handed weapon, swords, etc.)
					fs5 = 1.250; // ac_staff (Staff)
					fs6 = 1.000; // ac_bow (bow)
					fs7 = 0.125; // ac_minigun (Crossbows, exotic ranged weapons, flamethrowers, etc.)
					fs8 = 1.000; // ac_beastfu + shield (no weapon + shield)
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = simple_loop_sub;
					00 = dff;
					01 = dff2;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_transition;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_fidget_sub;
					00 = dff;
					01 = dff-02;
					02 = dff2;
					03 = dff2-02;
				chore_stances = 0,5;
				skrit = select_attack;
					00 = mg;
					01 = mg-02;
				chore_stances = ignore;
				skrit = select_transition;
					drnk = a_c_gah_fb_fs1_dk;
					gtup = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_up;
					look = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf;
					wyme = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-02;
					frtd = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-03;
					talk = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-04;
					bed1 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-05;
					bed2 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-06;
					bed3 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-07;
					mrik = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-08;
					sit1 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-09;
					sit2 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-10;
					bed4 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-11;
					bed5 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-12;
					froz = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-16;
					andi = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-17;
					lsn2 = a_c_gah_fb_fs0_dsf-18;
					knee = a_c_gah_fb_fs1_dsf-03;
					lstn = a_c_gah_fb_fs1_dsf-04;
					lblg = a_c_gah_fb_fs2_dsf-02;
					hoe1 = a_c_gah_fb_fs5_dsf-02;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_walk;
				[anim_files] { 05=rl; }
		screen_name="Farm boy";
		race = "farmboy";
	doc = "Farm girl base template";
	specializes = hero;
		is_male = false;
		race = female;
			strength 	=	0, 0, 11;
			intelligence 	= 	0, 0, 10;
			dexterity	= 	0, 0, 10;
			Female		=	0, 0, 1;
		model = m_c_gah_fg_pos_a1;
			0 = b_c_gah_fg_skin_01;
			1 = b_c_pos_a1_009;
			[die] { *=s_e_die_female; }
		armor_version = gah_fg;
		avg_move_velocity = 4.500000;
			body_anterior = bip01_head;
			body_mid = bip01_spine2;
			body_posterior = bip01_pelvis;
			kill_bone = bip01_spine2;
			shield_bone = shield_grip;
			weapon_bone = weapon_grip;
			as_single_melee		= 0.8, 0.8, 0.8;
			as_two_handed_melee	= 0.8, 0.8, 0.8;
			as_two_handed_sword	= 0.8, 0.8, 0.8;
			as_staff			= 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
			as_bow_and_arrow	= 0.8, 0.8, 0.8;
			as_minigun			= 0.8, 0.8, 0.8;
			as_shield_only		= 0.9, 0.9, 0.9;
			chore_prefix = a_c_gah_fg_fs;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_attack_sub;
					0mid = at;
					high = at-02;
					loww = at-03;
					extr = at-04;
					qffg = dff;

					rat0 = at2-01;
					rat1 = at2-02;
					sffg = dff2;
					fs0 = 1.250;
					fs1 = 0.830;
					fs2 = 0.830;
					fs3 = 1.250;
					fs4 = 1.250;
					fs5 = 1.250;
					fs6 = 1.000;
					fs7 = 0.125;
					fs8 = 1.000;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = simple_loop_sub;
					00 = dff;
					01 = dff2;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_transition;
					00 = di;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_fidget_sub;
					00 = dff;
					01 = dff-02;
					02 = dff2;
					03 = dff2-02;
				chore_stances = 0,5;
				skrit = select_attack;
					00 = mg;
					01 = mg-02;
				chore_stances = ignore;
				skrit = select_transition;
					drnk = a_c_gah_fg_fs1_dk;
					gtup = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_up;
					look = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf;
					talk = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-02;
					wyme = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-03;
					ulor = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-04;
					hddl = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-05;
					hdup = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-06;
					knee = a_c_gah_fg_fs1_dsf-03;
					lstn = a_c_gah_fg_fs1_dsf-04;
                    frtd = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-03;
                    ulo1 = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-04;
                    sit1 = a_c_gah_fg_fs0_dsf-08;
					hoe1 = a_c_gah_fg_fs5_dsf-03;
				chore_stances = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
				skrit = select_walk_sub;
					00 = rl;
					01 = rl2;
		screen_name = "Farm girl";
		race = "farmgirl";
	doc = "Farmboy";
	specializes = base_farmboy;
		is_hero = true;
		screen_class = "Zombie";
		megamap_override = true;
             		il_main = bw_g_d_s_s_c_avgklc;
             		il_main = meat_bone_zombie;
			il_main = spell_zap;
			il_main = spell_fireshot;
			il_main = spell_healing_hands;
						il_main = spell_transmute;
			 es_weapon_hand = dg_g_d_1h_fun;
			 es_forearms = gl_gl_le_f_g_c_avg;
			  es_chest = bd_un_le_f_pad_avg_zboy;
             es_feet = bo_bo_le_light;
			 es_spellbook = book_glb_magic_01;
				chance = 1.0;
				max = 300;
				min = 300;
	[water_effects] {}
	doc = "Farmgirl";
	specializes = base_farmgirl;
		is_hero = true;
		screen_class = "Zombie";
		megamap_override = true;
	il_main = bw_g_d_s_s_c_avgklc;
             		il_main = meat_bone_zombie;
			il_main = spell_zap;
			il_main = spell_fireshot;
			il_main = spell_healing_hands;
						il_main = spell_transmute;
			 es_weapon_hand = dg_g_d_1h_fun;
			 es_forearms = gl_gl_le_f_g_c_avg;
			  es_chest = bd_un_le_f_pad_avg_zgirl;
             es_feet = bo_bo_le_light;
			 es_spellbook = book_glb_magic_01;
				chance = 1.0;
				max = 300;
				min = 300;
	[water_effects] {}

Big smile Note I am using Cathycf's Robes Tongue

The White wolves did like playing with the Krug and Skitterlings(No you have to wait till I pluck them before lunch, no getting feathers stuck in your throat)

Ok Ok lets go find some more Krug to play with Crazy Evil

Note the spell icon is black and yellow.

Works well in Adepts

Insane Dwarf

I do believe the inventory icon b_gui_ig_i_ic_sp_wolf_inv and b_gui_ig_i_ic_sp_wolf are part of adepts so I will have to add it to the mod such that it works with the standard characters. I found the icons and added them to the wolf mod. This should fix the issue when not playing adepts.

will download this update file as well...I was playing vanilla loa but it seems I need to play the original map as level 0 cant kill anything on loa map without being killed lol...will have to find adepts again, I really like those little ones, don't seem to have any old saves at moment to test anything, no gold so cant buy anything character again.
