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WolfyDE alpha for dsloa...this is a test build based on Bare_Elf's to Bare_Elf for the templates

Package icon wolfyde.zip181.24 KB


Cheer Dance More Wolfies Cheer Dance

Now there are black, white, gray and brown wolfies. Thank you Dark Elf. Kathy how about some new wolf textures, some fancy ones to match your robes mod?


bare_elf wrote:
Cheer Dance More Wolfies Cheer Dance

Now there are black, white, gray and brown wolfies. Thank you Dark Elf. Kathy how about some new wolf textures, some fancy ones to match your robes mod?


Well, if you want some pink and purple wolves or a wolf with little kittycats on it, I would be happy to oblige.

Yes a pink wolf and a purple wolf would be very useful, especially when I have a purple or pink skinned Cat Mansion Hero. I also liked your Christmas Pictures Kathy.


Why ty Elf

And here is a wolfie to get started with. I found these when I did an image search for wolf the other day. Gotta love Google... Laughing out loud

*edit* yea, you can see the actual briefs here:

Hmm, that man does seem to be filling those briefs out...rather...amply. Shock Wink

thanks for the new graphics -

the shorts might make a new interesting project ds wise

Darkelf wrote:
thanks for the new graphics -

the shorts might make a new interesting project ds wise

Wiley Wolf Briefs of the Dog?