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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Kalrathia and the Resistance

The attached image shows two standards at the entrance to the Kalrathian Nexus. These same standards, with the blue chevrons on a white field between two vertical green lines, can be found in the Northern Plain of Tears from Kalrathia to the Water Chapel, and I don't believe I have noticed any other standards in that area. I have come to believe that this standard is Kalrathian.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Snowbrook Haven and Snowbrook Grotto

Here are a couple more shots of my recent vacation in the Snowbrook area. In the attached image, a closeup of the standard used to indicate "Snowbrook Haven" (or so I'm guessing). In the attached file, I think I see carvings on the wall in Snowbrook Grotto. But then who made them? Va'arth? Undead Azunites?

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Talon Revisited

The Siege of Snowbrook Haven, Part 2, Ballista vs. Talon the Dragon.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Vai'Kesh Standard

Returning to the recording and examination of artwork in the DS2 and DS2BW maps, I've got a shot of a Vai'Kesh standard here in the attached image.

The attached file is the full picture out of which this was clipped.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Nature's Avatar, Unyielding Preserver

The attached immage shows my Dryad character, Aceria Rubra, during the final battle of DS2BW Elite. She is wearing Unyielding Preserver Vestments and the Water Spirit's Blessing Amulet.

The attached file shows Aceria Rubra in Nature's Avatar Mystic Armor just before the Epilogue to DS2BW, after the final battle just as the credits are about to roll.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Elven Bridges and Dryad Banners

The image shows part of the ascent from Eirulan in Northern Greilyn Jungle upward toward the continent.

I think the ascent up out of the Isle has some nice scenery, though it looks more and more impressive if players are using a mod that gives more control over the camera angle than in unmodded DS2.


New one...


I just installed DS2 yesterday... and i can already feel the poison spreading into my vains... i guess this game will stay in my head for some time Smile As soon as i have leveled up my chars i will start modding and trying out the multiplayer features Smile



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