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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Unyielding Preserver

Here is my current Dryad character in BW Elite, with "Unyielding Preserver" Armor. While it looks better and gives a better AC than the "Nature's Avatar" Unique Mystic Armor, the latter has better bonuses, so I'll probably be wearing that through most of BW Elite (unless I find something better, which I doubt).

Note also my summoned Green Drake (thanks, Elys!).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Clever and Sneaky Goblins

This screenshot is not as good as I could have gotten, had I been paying closer attention, but I suspect that images of this guy have not been captured often.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Gone Troppo

Here are a couple of images from my most recent visit to the Pineapples Island. The image depicts a couple of the mysterious statues we all wondered at the sources of in DS1. The file further supports my view of the DS1 areas generally having much more sweeping vistas than the DS2 areas (then again, the DS2 areas usually have so many trees, ferns, and bushes crammed into those locations where you might be able to get a sweeping vista that you often don't even have a very good view of things right next to you; in this regard, DS2 is very baroque).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

People & Places

Here are a couple of semi-random screenshots. In the image can be seen my only pet (aside from several packmules), a Dark Naiad (she's now a young adult, simply from feeding on excess treasure, because I've never taken her out adventuring), my current Dryad character, the Innkeeper in Dalrathia, and my summoned Forest Golem.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

A Couple of Screenies

Here are a couple of screenshots from last night's gameplay. I got the attached file after slaying the Archmage in Elite (I hate those death magic spheres that come out of the obelisks when he targets them). The shot of the fountain was just something I noticed when I was passing by there on the way to finish the Lore of Aranna quest and thought it would make a nic pic.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Qatall Runecaster

This is what I think the image on the floor in the "Qatall Artwork, Anyone?" entry looks like.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Qatall Artwork, Anyone?

This image shows something in the floor inside Lower Zaramoth's Horns which looks to me like a stylized Qatall (to the "northeast" of my character). Okay, you're maybe saying "Giovanna's got a vivid imagination," so I've attached a file in which I tried to draw attention to why I think so (forgive my crude attempts to emphasize the lines with my primitive software).



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