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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Valdis' Standard

Here are a couple of versions of Valdis' standard, for comparison with the previous blog entry image and attached file.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Zaramoth's Horns Art/Fossil?

Okay, I finally found what I was talking about in an outside area of Zaramoth's Horns. It looks a little different that I remember it looking on my old computer, but maybe I am just not remembering it correctly. Anyway, it's an interesting image, whatever it may be. I suspect that it either provided inspiration for the standard of Valdis' forces, or was inspired by that standard (speaking in in-game, in-character terms). Of course, Valdis' standard could instead have been an abstract image inspired by the statues of Zaramoth.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Talon & Elandir

Here are a couple of screenies I thought were good, the one of Talon is aesthetically pleasant, and the one of Elandir is interesting for his legendary status.

I have a suspicion that the Agallans are more or less Frost Giants, while the Utgard are more or less Fire Giants.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Is This the Rarest Non-Unique Enemy?

An encounter with one of these things seems to be even less frequent than an encounter with the "???" character. I could be mistaken, but encountering a Bone Minion seems to me to be the rarest encounter in the game, barring non-unique opponents.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Cinbri Vestments

Here's a shot of Lothar in the "Cinbri Vestments" Set.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Probably Not Skath Artwork

Here's the image of the carving from the Northern Desert of Kaderak. Any other theories as to who carved it? I've abandoned my original view of it as Skath in origin, and tentatively hypothesized that it could be ancient Agallan or even Veranskian. I'm more sure of my opinion that it is intended to represent some Divinity.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Unique Raven and Unique Woven

The attached image is an older one, when I still had a complete collection of Unique Raven gear (I seem to have gotten rid of the gloves accidentally, but otherwise I still have a complete set in this character's game). The attached file shows a complete collection of Unique Woven gear (which I discarded soon after getting it; as I said in a previous post, "that's an example in which the ordinary body armor looks better than the Unique, even with the addition of vibrant and bright coloring"). The screenie in the attached file also displays Arinth's Staff.



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