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bare_elf's blog

Site problems fixed

The site is working again, all the access denied issues corrected. Only problem left is not sending email when PM is sent. This could take some time to fix.


I found two micro mini skirts...

I like wearing them because they shock people and the air flow is great on hot days. I think they would make great armor, however my modding tools no longer work. Maybe someone else could make them


Help -- A very weird problem

I was happily playing DS1 Kingdom of Ehb testing out Kathy's new bow mod. Played for two hours last night everything was good when I saved. When I started up tonight there was a black screen that took up half the screen and within it there was a comment about my what my next quest was. it was sitting behind my inventory screen. Tried to make a screen shot of the issue, but the screen shot was normal. If I clicked on the X between my inventory screen and magic screen it closed everything. There are only two new mods that I am using.


What a day

The power supply on my computer passed away this morning. So instead of taking a bike ride, I became a computer repair person. Took a while but found a replacement supply at Best Buy of all places. Fixed the computer and then took a walk.


A weird Windows 7 problem.

I just noticed that the icon for the recycle bin is missing. I have tried everything I can think of to get it back. Does anyone know how to get the icon back?


Why do people in Oregon and Washington State...

I wonder why people in Oregon and Washington State think 109 degrees is so hot? The world record is 134 degrees.


My feet hurt.

I had a problem with gravity today. Fell off my bicycle when coming to a stop, one of my shoes did not release from the peddles and I think I broke a few toes. I have no problem with gravity going up and down hills or when I am riding fast. I only crash when on flat ground and going really slow. So my advice Kathy is run down your stairs next time. Smile



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