While the previous 'seizure' isn't really over (and related on content we rather should say: as consequence of it) i have been touched by another 'mapping seizure'. This time however, i didn't use the SE2 (so far), it's not really tuned to handle DS1, and this is what i did. 

The following mods are published based on the DS1 Modding EULA and Modding EULA from DS2.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map, Alpha 10 (82.7mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map Update, Alpha 10q (1.6mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Additional remarks:
- Please respect the initial release notes and also the notes in the 'ReadMe' files about the changes meanwhile.
- You also may like to check out Iryan's forum thread for additional map resources.
There is now also a Diabloish Map for DS2, Beta 2 e (16.4MB, for DS2 v2.2 ReadMe):

Compared to Beta 1 there are now some more NPCs, a shop with enchantable items only, two heroes to hire, better dungeon loading/fading, and instead of remote start positions now 'session portals' are available to let you always restart in Tristram and to take you back into the dungeons when you like to depart.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact Dr. Smooth aka James Lang so far (e-mail account still seems to be valid, but there was no reply) to ask him what he thinks about before investing more time in this map.
For those of you who are interested and have downloaded the previous DS1 Mappack, I've uploaded an alpha version of the Legends of Aranna addon map from Ds1 which is fully playable in DS2. The large size is almost all because of the radar maps created for each region, otherwise the file size would be a lot less (probably about 80% less).
It requires both Killergremal's Utraen Peninsula mod and my DS1 Mappack. I've also uploaded a small mod which enables DSLOA monsters in the map but you will need the DS1 Monsterpack for this to work. See the enclosed readmes for some important information about playing the mods.
EDIT: You also need to convert the legends of aranna map into DS2 format like the instructions for Kingdom of Ehb map (substituting Expansion.dsmap for World.dsmap).
Remember that these mods are alpha versions but even so are a great deal of fun to play. I seriously doubt that fully complete versions will ever be finished so I'm uploading them now. Now i'm off to play some Elder Scrolls Skyrim.
I've not been able to replicate that error but there's many things which may cause that type of error. Even after all the checking I've done the dungeon under Castle Ehb has a 10% chance of crashing like that and there's about a 2% chance of it happening when browsing a merchant's store. But the area you mention has never crashed for me.
Have you tried multiple times to pass the area? Have you all of the required parts of Killergremal's mod, including the postfix? Are you using vanilla DS2 or Broken World? The more info I get the better the chance of being able to fix the problems. I'd really like to combine all of the parts of the mods (there's now 9 pieces with the new Legends of Aranna map) into 1 or 2 parts but Killergremal would either have to do it or permit me to absorb his mod into the larger one. That may eliminate any conflicts between the separate resources.
Norrick is a pet shop as he'll give you his pet dog to help you through the difficult start of the Kingdom of Ehb map, then you can recruit Ulora in the crypts and Gyorn and Naidi in Stonebridge. The map is difficult because it uses Killergremal's mod to populate the monster roster. Normally you wouldn't encounter nasty archers or mages until you were a lot stronger and that's how the DS1 monster version works.
If the pet dog isn't enough to help players through the start I could post a mod to change the difficulty level so it's easier.
The tutorial tips caused my game to crash. I had to turn them off.
Thanks for that info. That would be the most obvious explanation as I have tutorial tips turned off by default in the ini file. So it wouldn't occur when I was testing the map. It shows how helpful it is to have as many players as possible testing the maps for problems the modder may have missed. In any future release I'll be sure to remove any references to tutorial tips and anything not supported by the DS2 engine.
@iryan: It's hard to keep the pace with you.
There are 3 tutorial tips on Utrae for DS2 - and I've thought they work well!?
So it should be (easily?) possible to fix them, if really needed.
One reason for instant crashes are references on templates (in regional/instance files) although these templates don't exist don't exist (anymore). That sounds a bit paradox and that's probably why DS2 has no safety check for/against it.
This easily may happen with NPC or shop lists. Amazingly pet sellers don't suffer this problem.
Hm, the (Monster)Level Adjustment mod shouldn't make monsters 'unequably' stronger, and related on their monster levels their stats are quite the same as on the official DS2 map. By trend only 'trivial' monsters will be upgraded to 'weak' monsters.
It's possible though that some monsters in DS2 perform more dangerous in DS2 than in DS1 for some reasons. Also some people may be 'shocked'
I'm sure my wife doesn't approve me spending so much time playing games. hehe
The problem is with the Kingdom of Ehb map. I don't think there's any problems at all with the Utraen Peninsula
Yes archers and mages are very dangerous at the start if you only have a single character. In the normal campaign you wouldn't be exposed to them until later when you have a better balanced party.
For interest I've started converting Yesterhaven and Return to Arhok. The first region is working for both of them.

Also I'm attempting to get permission to upload the resource files publically so it'll be easier for anyone to use them (so either Killergremal or myself could upload a single resource file rather than many separate mods). Even if we still have to convert the maps it would make it easier for everyone (especially as I've developed patches to apply to the maps so a Hex Editor isn't required anymore).
GPG basically don't care anymore about the games since they've sold the IP to Square Enix and they advised me to contact them. So far I haven't received a reply and it's hard to find a good contact email to them. Does anyone have an idea of how to contact somebody in Square Enix who may be sympathetic to our cause?
@iryan: About the legal concerns, at least 'Yesterhaven' and 'Return to Arhok' both were free maps:
However it's good that you have tried to contact GPG and Square Enix, alhough i have some doubts that they will engage in a legally binding response.
Actually I fear they rather want us to buy DS3 than to create a re-prospering environment for DS1/DS2 !?
But i'm looking forward that somebody is trying to explain to me that Square Enix still likes to support DS1/DS2 despite of the changes (breaks?) we have seen in DS3...
For the meantime, actually i have started some time ago some tests with Yesterhaven and Return to Arhok.
For Yesterhaven i only made the node mesh indexes and solved a matter for the 'Obelisk teleporter' at the beginning.
Return to Arhok is much more advanded.
I instantly could pass you the Yesterhaven stuff, however Return to Arhok has some hidden 'dev' levers and quest triggers that should be reworked first.
I've just uploaded Return to Arhok, the small minimap made for Legends of Aranna, for DS2 here;
It requires most of the previous mods posted in this thread. There's also a DS1 monster version available as well. It requires the DS1-MonsterPack-Beta01 as well (which you have to compile yourself).
I'm not very hopefull as Square Enix is primarily a console game creator and publisher and I can't recall any of the games they've published supporting any form of official modding at all, though there's a site of modders who managed to mod some of the final fantasy games to a certain extent.
I've just finished the beta map of Yesterhaven for DS2 and you can get it here;
Requires Killergremal's Utraen Peninsula mod.
Included are mods to add original DS1 monsters to the map if you have a compiled DS1 monster Pack and to add extra pets from Custom Pets Reloaded to the pet seller in Yesterhaven. This is probably good as there's no recruitable characters so you if you start a new game you'll probably need to purchase pets for your party (all original DS2 pets are available as well).
The map plays well and a new character can reach level 30 if you kill everything in sight (more than in Legends of Aranna in fact).
Ahhhh too many things to play at same time. Why do they all arrive at once
I've played a bit of Skyrim and found it to be extremely buggy even by Bethseba's standards, which is saying something. The latest patch seems to make things even worse going on by what's happening on their forums. So I've stopped playing it until the community fixes the game for them.
So I've been working on the DS1 maps. Unless you want to help fixing them or bug testing them you're safe playing something else at the moment as I'm slowly trying to restore them to original condition. Currently I'm attempting to convert the Kingdom of Ehb quests to DS2 format. If that works I'll do Yesterhaven and the Utraen Peninsula. Then I'll attempt making Monster Lores for all the DS1 monsters. So It'll be a long time before this project is every finished, if it ever gets that far.
Wah, you're getting quite busy with DS->DS2. That's very nice... for me hahaha. So I will have lot of things to play once i'm done with the rush of new game
About Skyrim, I don't play it yet. I'm waiting for the Creation Kit to be released in January so I can mod my Succubus stuff in it and start a serious playthru (thats at least 150 hours). Meanwhile I'm a bit modding it engine wise with my Skyrim Uncapper. xD
I'm slowly progressing in getting the quests, lore and other DS2 enhancements into the Kingdom of Ehb Map.

No Idea when I may get done. The quests are especially painfull to get done because they can easily break if there's any old quest_bool commands left in the templates, so there's a lot of testing to do. The lore and monster info is easy but I have a lot of graphics to do.
I'm looking at different freeware setup programs to see if there's a way to check for the presence of DS1 before allowing installation of the mod. That way hopefully it'll be both easier to install and be legal.
@iryan: Nice to see your progresses on Ehb!

However I just was (re)checking out your and mine version from Arhok XP – hm,... have you something against if i would 'steal' some things from your current map? In particular i would like to hi-jack some of the NPCs.
It would be great if we could release a combined version before X-Mas, as far as it reaches. I'm not really attracted by Skyrim like games, but I fear the Diablo waiting in the Torchlight for my attention.
Copied form over there, but since a DS1=>DS2 related problem, it seems to fit here much better!?
Object/generator generator_ice_stalagmite is designed to do so. This is a bit strange indeed, and the LevelAdjustment can't update its life stats, making it look strange once more.
Maybe this object/generator should be generally replaced/redesigned!? Important would be to choose a generator that doesn't take the spawned monsters as his children. If it does so nonetheless, the children disappear if the generator explodes (like with hostile summoners and their summons).
After just looking at the map files - generators 0x03A00039 + 0x03A00025 are triggered simultaneously by trigger 0x03a0003c that reacts on approaching party members.
Most probably each sphere entrance of one party member will activate the generators once again, and it may be that the spawn period will be ignored because the next activation arrives earlier than the spawn period lasts.
Not to leave the impression of 'too many monsters instantly', perhaps it would useful here if one trigger wouldn't start two generators...?
However, as simple work-around, try to solve this problem by modifying the trigger 0x03a0003c form this...:
... to this (in a text editor or in SE):
I think/hope this should work, intended to be now one-shot trigger now, usable once but reactivating the next time when the region gets loaded.
However... although there is the DS2-native life-scaling for monsters, the idea of having more monsters with increasing number of party members isn't that bad, here and there at least.
Alternatively there would be 'accumulate triggers' in DS2, allowing you to (re)act depending on the number of events. Also flip-flopping still seems to work in DS2, so it should be possible to tune/expand a trigger to react on every 2nd event only.
If you browse the Utrea files, you also would find generators using the custom component activate_on_event_simple.skrit, it basically works like the component of the accumulate trigger but also supports some kind of 'blocking duration' (=apathy).
However the trigger update from above is probably the fastest way to for a pleasant work-around that still allows you to buy some X-mas gifts tomorrow.
Have started playing some more again with new characters as my old save games (level 150+) have been lost (computer death, but may be able to salvage them with a rebuild).
Downloaded all files and tried to start a new game in Kingdom of Ehb using the latest version of Aranna Legacy, but game would not load.
Was getting no error messages, just exiting as soon as load screen stopped.
Found the problem with a conflicting world/global/rules rules.skrit file.
Will be play testing new maps (Ehb, LoA, Yesterhaven etc.) and helping to get them fine tuned as time permits.
Thanks for that much appreciated.
I've been updating the rules.skrit to support each map as I've released them but didn't anticipate a conflict. This was to allow party members to catch up levels with the hero when added to the party. I tend to restart each map with a new character to test out the balance.
The next release will hopefully be the Kingdom of Ehb map with separate Logic, Resources and Terrain packs. Any future map releases will be only the map and a Logic pack upgrade if necessary.
Successful completion of Yesterhaven with some resurrection glitches.
On occasion I would resurrect without teleporting back to town, and my character would be in a sort of limbo. I then had no control of my character, could not attack, nor be attacked. Had to Alt-f4 as my UI was not responding either.
No errors to report with LoA other than the known elevator problems. Got as far as I could before the elevator obstacle.
Have gotten as far as Glitterdelve and recruited Gloern. Naidi does not appear to like me and will not join my party though.
Updated the monsters via Mod-DS1-MonsterPack-Beta01, and the shopkeepers were not loading. Found the error in world/contentdb/templates/actors/good/ebh/npc_ehb.gas file. The file only had Norick, and none of the others.

And just some random pictures following the epic journey. ^^

Last one is of Black Skrubb that can attack, but cannot be attacked in Stonebridge. :?
rules.skrit is a version specific file, besides of old v2.0 there are (much) different versions for v2.2 and v2.3/addon.
Of course there are modded versions too so every mod that contains rules.skrit will increase the probabity of conflicts, and mapping-/modding-wise the existance of 'addon-code' prevents using DS2Mod/SE2.
However, since hiring happens usually after a conversation with a flick (mainly to turn of the common indicator when hired) adjusting the level of the new party member also can happen via flick functions.
Actully i've wrote such a function some time ago, and it's also able to turn a 'raw hero template' (e.g. a hero of level 1 with 1 ranged level) into a party member with (almost) any modder-defined assignment of m/r/cm/nm levels. Like this rules.skrit is not really necessary and a lot of 'template stats work' isn't necessary neither.
These functions/files will be part of 'Arhok XP' for DS2, however i can't put them into a zip archive to use them on Ehb etc. too.
By the way - thanks for testing, PhoeniX!
Thanks for all the feedback.
Your suggestion makes sense and I'll try implementing the flick when I start final testing of Ehb before distribution.
I'll check this out again when doing the hopefully final runthrough of Ehb before uploading it here at Siegetheday. There's two npc template files since there's a lot of legacy material that Killergremal started that I maintained. The other one must have gotten overwritten somehow.
If you activate the save point near the elevator then save your game, and then quit and reload your game, you should start at the next region. This is a temporary work around until I or someone else fixes the map. LOA has the most work to be done so that why it'll be last on the list to be done.
Hmmm. I'm not sure what would be causing this. I must confess that I use the easiest setting to speed up testing so I tend not to die too often but never had any issues resurrecting party members. I remember with early builds of some of the maps I did have lockups every now and again but each version fixed more and more of these problems. It would be useful to know if this occurred on all the maps or just yesterhaven. When I get to yesterhaven again I will be sure to try to test this aspect out more throughly.
Incidentally I think I have a solution to the copyright issues. I plan to distribute the maps with a setup program made with creatorinstall light that will check for the original Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna Installation Disk 1 and abort if it doesn't find it. The idea would be to distribute the Kingdom of Ehb map first with the resource packs. Then the other maps would be released as patches as they were finished. This hopefully will eliminate the glitches that are appearing because of all the separate mod packages that are floating around.
It happened twice and only while in Yesterhaven.
The green shard is missing it's texture and cannot be spotted until it attacks.
And the secret room from underground area just before Fury Den is not functional.
Got all the way through Ehb and had a blast. Thanks for all the fun Iryan & KillerGremal. ^^
Glad you enjoyed it. I'm currently playing through the public release candidate which is basically the same but adds quests, lorebooks, maps and monster bestiary into the mod. I'll probably add a small minimod to allow the player to change the difficulty as some of the monsters are very nasty (and maybe one to make it even tougher). Also hoping that maybe Killergremal may be able to get the Goblin RoboSuit working as I can't (and it was one of my most favourite monsters).
I've caught the Shard's missing texture. There's two parts to the texture and one was missing.
Perhaps this is a problem with the LevelAdjustment mod!?
This mod needs to create a relationship between monster level and stats. In DS2 this is given by the stats formulas themselves, DS1 however assigns constant stats but it doesn't assign a 'monster_level' - that's the big issue when moving files from DS1 to DS2.
There are two possibilities now to tune DS1 files so they get a level-stats relationship:
a) Remove or comment out any constant stats and take care that 'specializes = ...' refers on a common 'actor_evil_...' template form DS2.
b) For places/files with customly added stats ensure that also a monster_level is specified/available amyhow.
Sometimes customly added stats also exist in instance files of a region (e.g. actors.gas) which can cause additional fussiness. Thus possibility a) is usually some easier to realize (with an editor with search+replace across multiple files).
However, in case it's a generally matter of a map (because of monster types/placement etc.) then the LevelAdjustment mod would offer the super-creative transition_time tweak for map makers. On player's side the monster_adjust_difficulty option could help too.
Well, the broken legs/arms are cured and it's fun to see this monster moving again. However breaking up in fragments doesn't work yet as intended, also some pleasant auxiliary spells are required - importing the original spells probalby would go too far.
The map transition time is what I was thinking about. It can go from 0.5 up to 5.0. I was thinking of 0.5 for easy and maybe 1.5 for hard and maybe a nightmare level as well and could effect the respawning level as well.
Good to see progress on the Goblin Robosuit and yes the original spells would be extremely difficult and time consuming to duplicate in DS2. I couldn't get even DS2 spells working with the robosuit's parts. It's probably something to do with how effects are controlled in DS2 as it effects some other monsters as well.
You have to make sure that the bip (bone index point?) matches the mesh attach points when converting spells. I had to make minor changes when using the Bound Dryad spell to create my Blackened Soul spell.
Had to change head attach point to hands, and thumb attach points to hands.
Bound Dryad:
[efct_spell_ds2x_bound_dryad_charge_dh_2] { skrit=[[ property int sfx_scriptId$ doc = "ScriptId given at effect script creation time."; property Goid sfx_catalyst$ doc = "Spell caster"; void handeffect$(int TempTarget$) { //Create hand effect { int effect$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateParticleEffect( TempTarget$ ); WorldFXMgr.SetQuadRendering( effect$, true ); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetDependence( effect$, false, false ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectTexture( effect$, "b_sfx_glow" ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulationf( effect$, 0.0, 0.0, "SpawnParticles( 100, 0xFF8D0000, 0xFFEB4200, 0.4, 0.4 )"); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "ColorChange( 0.3, 0.7, 0xFF8D0000, 0.0 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "ScaleChange( 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0 )", 0.1 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "PositionAtTarget( )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "AccelalongTargetVector( 1, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.8 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "MoveWithVelocity()", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "KillEffectAtZero()", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectSrcBlend( effect$, PB_SRCALPHA ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectDestBlend( effect$, PB_DESTALPHA ); } } void headeffect$(int TempTarget$) { //Create hand effect { int effect$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateParticleEffect( TempTarget$ ); WorldFXMgr.SetQuadRendering( effect$, true ); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetDependence( effect$, true, true ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectTexture( effect$, "b_sfx_glow" ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulationf( effect$, 0.0, 0.0, "SpawnImmediately( 10, 0xa1100000, 0xao8D0000, 0.5, 0.5 )"); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "ColorChange( 0.1, 0.3, 0xFF8D0000, 0.0 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "PulseScale( 0.1, 1.0, 0.2 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "AlphaChange( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "PositionAtTarget( )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "KillEffectAtZero()", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectSrcBlend( effect$, PB_SRCALPHA ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectDestBlend( effect$, PB_DESTALPHA ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectSortingOffset( effect$, -0.5 ); } } startup state Go$ { doit$ at ( 0.0 ) { if ( sfx_catalyst$.IsValid() ) { sfx_catalyst$.Go.PlayVoiceSound( "s_mn_rac_x_bnd_dryd_mag_cast2_charge", 6.0, 30.0, false ); } int effectTarget$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); int bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_head"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( effectTarget$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( effectTarget$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); my vector v$; v$.x = 0.25; v$.y = -0.02; WorldFXMgr.AddBoneOffsetToTarget( effectTarget$, v$ ); int rightthumb$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_r_thumb_02"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( rightthumb$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( rightthumb$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); int leftthumb$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_l_thumb_02"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( leftthumb$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( leftthumb$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); int righthand$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_r_hand"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( righthand$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( righthand$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); int lefthand$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_l_hand"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( lefthand$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( lefthand$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); handeffect$(righthand$); handeffect$(lefthand$); headeffect$(effectTarget$); } cleanup$ at ( 1.5 ) { WorldFXMgr.DestroyEffectScript( sfx_scriptId$ ); } } ]]; }
Blackened Soul:
[efct_spell_blackened_soul_charge] { skrit=[[ property int sfx_scriptId$ doc = "ScriptId given at effect script creation time."; property Goid sfx_catalyst$ doc = "Spell caster"; void handeffect$(int TempTarget$) { //Create hand effect { int effect$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateParticleEffect( TempTarget$ ); WorldFXMgr.SetQuadRendering( effect$, true ); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetDependence( effect$, false, false ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectTexture( effect$, "b_sfx_glow" ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulationf( effect$, 0.0, 0.0, "SpawnParticles( 100, 0xff770000, 0xff411e1e, 0.2, 0.2 )"); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "ColorChange( 0.3, 0.7, 0xFF992200, 0.0 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "ScaleChange( 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0 )", 0.1 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "PositionAtTarget( )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "AccelalongTargetVector( 1, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.8 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "MoveWithVelocity()", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "KillEffectAtZero()", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectSrcBlend( effect$, PB_SRCALPHA ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectDestBlend( effect$, PB_DESTALPHA ); } //Create hand effect { int effect$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateParticleEffect( TempTarget$ ); WorldFXMgr.SetQuadRendering( effect$, true ); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetDependence( effect$, true, true ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectTexture( effect$, "b_sfx_glow" ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulationf( effect$, 0.0, 0.0, "SpawnImmediately( 10, 0xa0a26e00, 0xao411e1e, 0.5, 0.5 )"); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "ColorChange( 0.1, 0.3, 0xFF992200, 0.0 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "PulseScale( 0.1, 1.0, 0.2 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "AlphaChange( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "PositionAtTarget( )", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.AttachSimulation( effect$, "KillEffectAtZero()", 0.0 ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectSrcBlend( effect$, PB_SRCALPHA ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectDestBlend( effect$, PB_DESTALPHA ); WorldFXMgr.SetEffectSortingOffset( effect$, -0.5 ); } } startup state Go$ { doit$ at ( 0.0 ) { if ( sfx_catalyst$.IsValid() ) { sfx_catalyst$.Go.PlayVoiceSound( "s_mn_rac_x_bnd_dryd_mag_cast2_charge", 6.0, 30.0, false ); } int effectTarget$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); int bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_head"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( effectTarget$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( effectTarget$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); my vector v$; v$.x = 0.25; v$.y = -0.02; WorldFXMgr.AddBoneOffsetToTarget( effectTarget$, v$ ); int righthand$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_r_hand"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( righthand$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( righthand$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); int lefthand$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_l_hand"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( lefthand$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( lefthand$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); int righthand$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_r_hand"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( righthand$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( righthand$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); int lefthand$ = WorldFXMgr.CreateTarget(); bone_index$ = sfx_catalyst$.go.aspect.aspecthandle.GetBoneIndex("bip01_l_hand"); WorldFXMgr.SetTargetExternal( lefthand$, true ); WorldFXMgr.AttachTargetToGo( lefthand$, sfx_catalyst$, bone_index$ ); handeffect$(righthand$); handeffect$(lefthand$); // headeffect$(effectTarget$); } cleanup$ at ( 1.5 ) { WorldFXMgr.DestroyEffectScript( sfx_scriptId$ ); } } ]]; }
Ran into a major blockade heading for Nosirrom.
The node directly above the stairs where I am standing is blocked somehow. I can click the circled areas, but cannot get to them.