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what have you wrought?
a miasma of betrayal as perceptions scream.
once we tasted innocence,
untainted and virginal,
but your desire shrank.
a feverish morass of agony -
drops of blood follow death, follow night,
love burnt to ashes.
in a burst of hatred,
i condemn you.


useless life

Alone in Darkness

the night falls as if slain by the sun, cold and alone are we.
the salvation for which you lust
flares once, then dies,
swallowed by the abyss.
all hope must sicken and die.

your passion throbs no more.
how could you cause such hurt?
shadows surround us, crying,
we have lost our light.


Harpy Birthday sigofmugmort

Harpy Birthday sigofmugmort Harpy Birthday to you, Harpy Birthday to you.



a fabulous performance..

Heart (Anne & Nancy Wilson) - Stairway To Heaven

- excellent!!


The dangers of RPGs!

Very dangerous! Lots of exclamation points!!!!11

Crazed baboons are really a downer when playing fantasy

role playing games and should be avoided. You've been warned, nerds.

(disclaimer: I am using "nerd" in a completely facetious manner! Don't get mad, ner...I mean people...don't get angry, people!)


Professor Sorenson, the head of a university med
school, organizes a live-action role playing game for several
of his students using the laboratory building after hours. But



I will be out of the area for a few days but will check in at least once a day. Taking the people I take care of to a funeral on the boarder of Oregon and Washington. Iryan is on Holiday for a few days and TechieM2 is also on vacation. Funny how things all seem to happen at once.


Happy Happy

The elf is happy the elf is glad people are here who have come to play old modders new modders old players new players and even some n00bs I like it I like it I smile so big my head might explode better stuff it into a node.
I will get busy and make a new mod, with lots of armor and weapons for people to use. must figure out how to do some old tricks to work with the new game which is antique too. The elf runs about and runs into a wall, eeeek lightening in my head I feel a brain storm coming on.



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