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Hit and Run

Hey, happy Fall everybody. Laughing out loud

Some time ago, I was goofing around and decided to take level 20 Phaedrial for an adventure in Chilltown. My bow has a range of 18 meters, so I was able to attract the attention of a big, cranky skeleton long distance so his friends weren't butting in.

I went around the town about a zillion times...shoot run shoot run run
Oh crap! he caught me! Ruuuuuunnn, swat, fall over unconscious, get up and shoot run some more.

I must say, Phaedrial looked lovely in her outfit, showing that fun armor and slaying skeletons are not mutually exclusive. Smile


Kathy where are you.

Has anyone heard from KathyCF in the last month? I hope she is alright or at least alive. Let me know if you have heard from her please.



Sitting in Yadehtegeis

Just sitting in town waiting for something interesting to occur. Wonder if a journey to Ehb would be worth the effort? Think the transport system is a bit weird as all flights to Arhok where cancled do to sunshine.

Shadow Watcher's picture

The brain storm

I had a brain storm with lots of lightening and thunder. Which caused me to think this Suí mé anseo wondering nuair a cheannaigh roinnt daoine a n-intinn. Cosúil nuair a bhíonn siad nuair a rith amach inchinn cheap siad a dúirt siad traenacha agus chaill siad inniúlacht siúd. I do not think in Irish, Welsh yes but not Irish! I know that Celtic origins Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh, Breton and Cornish are all from the same root language, but Irish is Goidelic (Gaelic) and Welsh is Brythonic.


Deep Thoughts....not!

Deep thoughts...

Sometimes Life is about pants vs. no pants.

Hats are a must for deep thinking.


Shadow Watcher's picture

modding or playing

modding or playing the game which is more fun? For me modding started years ago when I took apart my father's very expensive watch and attempted to reassemble it better. Happy there are games to mod as if one makes a mess of things you can reinstall it to a working point and not have to take it to a watch repair store~!


Fried day night

Another week falls over the edge of the world. Taking the quickest path to oblivion. I was walking on the very western edge of cyberspace and discovered where the white cliffs all those poor ghosts in Dungeon Siege 2 keep seeing. They have been tricked, those are not cliffs near the sea, but the sides of a toilet bowl. They where all twisting about in the vortex screaming in a language I could not understand as there are no shrines where one can invoke a spell to understand the dead.



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