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bare_elf's blog

Anyone Seen Iryan

Has anyone seen Iryan in the last few weeks, he is either on vacation (Summer in Australia) or has he just stopped talking because he has nothing to say?

Asks the Elf who talks and types way way to much.


Other than Kathy, iryan and myself...

I just finished a new armor mod based on the Idea Kathy gave me the other day, but I have no idea if I should post it or not because I am not sure how many people are still playing Legends of Aranna, with both cat madsion adepts and legends of Utrae 3.2. The little armor mod does require all of the above. If there are maybe another 5 or 6 people out there heck even one I will post it.


I need a new brain

I should remember things better. Lloyd2k4 was looking for a copy of Abstraction and all the links where dead. I totally forgot that SJR posted a working link in another forum back on Sat, 2012-04-21 18:19. Maybe I should link that link to the download page. Dog bytes the brain dead elf on the ear.



Kathy gave me an idea

I have been playing with the underwear that ham_cat did for the first cat mansion girls and making them fit the cat mansion boys. I have done this before but as per normal I am not sure where they went.
anyway here is Robin and Sara on the way to Kruggies Secrets to purchase some items for Sara so she does not keep stretching Robins underwear in all the wrong places.


good news

Dungeon Siege - Legends of Heroes is operational once again and most of the old mods that where on Siege Network are there.



The Sky is Falling?

Rock from space rocks a remote part of Russia. No it was not the big one that that is going or has gone past already today. That would have made a much bigger mess if it has hit. so keep looking up



I know that S is one of the most used letters in the English language but...

Never thought it would go this far...the last three users to join siege the day have screen names that start with S




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