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Shadow Watcher's blog

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Female Dwarf?

I was reading the DS1 Legendary Map Pack Forum and bare_elf talked about maybe adding a female dwarf to the game. Now we all know why there are no female Half Giants and why there are no male Dryads. However there are several references to Female Dwarves in both broken world and in Dungeon Siege 1, if one listens to the characters talk and reads the back stories of the games. Now bare_elf said that she could make a female head for the regular dwarf be it ds1 or ds2. Now since we have never seen a female dwarf it might be that they are not ugly short people.

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Running about in anime clothing.

Hey all,
I like the Adepts mod for DS2 makes me feel like I am playing Legends of Utrae and Adepts from DS1 all over again but better.

Shadow Watcher's picture

The brain storm

I had a brain storm with lots of lightening and thunder. Which caused me to think this Suí mé anseo wondering nuair a cheannaigh roinnt daoine a n-intinn. Cosúil nuair a bhíonn siad nuair a rith amach inchinn cheap siad a dúirt siad traenacha agus chaill siad inniúlacht siúd. I do not think in Irish, Welsh yes but not Irish! I know that Celtic origins Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh, Breton and Cornish are all from the same root language, but Irish is Goidelic (Gaelic) and Welsh is Brythonic.

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modding or playing

modding or playing the game which is more fun? For me modding started years ago when I took apart my father's very expensive watch and attempted to reassemble it better. Happy there are games to mod as if one makes a mess of things you can reinstall it to a working point and not have to take it to a watch repair store~!

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