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Armor icons...D'oh!

Over the last several weeks I've been following posts about converting the various Dungeon Siege maps for use in Dungeon Siege 2. Pretty interesting work and I definitely want to check it out.

It also reminded me how I've never completed the "Legends of Utrae" campaign. I always would ruin it for myself by changing mods and forgetting what I had done and messing up my saves.

Anyway.... I installed DS:LoA, LoU and some mods I made a few years ago and fired up a new game. Then I saw how my armor icons did not look so good. At the time, I had taken the easy route and most of my icons were abstract ones and did not reflect what the item looked like. I, er, did not know how to make ones that looked like the item. *blush*

Since my knowledge of layers and alpha channels and all that good stuff is woefully ignorant I suppose I took a much longer route of making them than I otherwise could have. But, years later I've made some icons that get the job done, even if they aren't pretty. Yay!

Old inventory looked like this:

New Inventory:

And of course, I had to make some new pretty I mean ARMOR...super serious "wading into battle" type ARMOR, yeah. :mrgreen:

And of course, we all should know the importance of hats:



This makes me all nostalgic. Smile

Nostalgia is good. Smile

Here's the gang in Fallrean. Makes me feel a bit chilly...

It does look a bit nippy. Smile

Skirts, especially shorter ones, do not go well with snow. Smile

Oh, I don't know. I think Tiamat is loving that nice cool breeze... :silly: