Small spell mod
Submitted by kathycf on Sat, 2021-09-04 01:01 | |||||
Hey, this is a little mod I made several years ago. I added in some combat versions of a few low level nature spells and added a version of "Charged Fist" that can be cast on party members. It never made sense to me that it was a self only spell. I made the mod for Mark, now known as that guy that can transmute ALL! I imported the skrit and such for the transmute all spell and thus the mod will work with both original Dungeon Siege and LoA. Yup, I tested it.
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Hey that looks like a nice little mod! I especially like how the combat-magic version of the fairy looks.
Isn't there a fairy that gives life and a pixie that gives mana? Could have used one for CM and one for NM... Still the dark fairy looks cool.
I'm afraid this mod might cause a little imbalance because NM is already the weakest class and its best selling point is to have useful helper spells like the strong healing spells, so if you give that to CM I'm afraid I'd leave Merik in the Alpine Caverns...
Any plans to put it on Nexus Mods or Github?
As I see the mod contains these spells:
- CM Transmutation
- CM Mark's Transmute All
- CM Mystic Healing Hand
- CM Mystic Healing Wind
- NM Summon Fairy
- CM Summon Dark Fae
- NM Energy Fist
As well as actor summon templates for the light & dark fairy.
I think the Dark Fae would look nice on my Bandit Moon, can I use it? With attribution of course.
Sure, go right ahead and use it.
The highest level spell is level nine so I don't think that will cause any balancing problems. I made the mod for my boyfriend Mark just for fun and I thought others might like it as well. I've never actually thought of uploading any mods at Nexxus or whatever. I just post them here. I guess I could join Nexxus and think about uploading mods at some point.
The fairy and pixie are the same model with the same face. The only difference is that the pixie is green. That just didn't fit my idea of a Dark Fae, plus any excuse to make textures.
I posted a newer version of the mod in the original blog post. I wanted to make the "read me" a little clearer and I touched up a few graphics.
The new version is also attached in this post.
dark fae

Ah nice. The spells should be at the lower level magic shops as well (like Adwana). I've been able to find them at different shops in a couple of multiplayer games.
To make them bigger would be cool. Would you scale them up or use some code type thing?