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WAIT! Loss?

It's time now for the "too much information" blog post. Hurray!

Over the last couple of years I have been putting a mild effort into losing some weight. Since January I have been putting a bit more effort in and have lost about 25 pounds. I used to be about Ashley Graham's size. I even look like her, except my hair has never looked that good and you know, I'm a bit older, thinner (now) much shorter and...oh yes, way less glamorous. yay me. Stare

So here comes the TMI part. I haven't had much money or opportunity to do any clothes shopping. I bought a pair of jeans and a few shirts, but everything else is the old big stuff. I live in northern Massachusetts and it's getting pretty chilly around here at night. A few weeks ago it was rainy and cold and so I put on my (large) warm fleecy pajama pants and made my way into the kitchen for some tea.

I always overfill my cup and so I do this shuffle kind of thing instead of walking to avoid spillage. I'm heading to the parlor, oh, I'm almost to my chair and aggh! I feel a breeze around my hips. Shock My old friend gravity (fricking bitch) goes to work and I end up pantsing myself. My boyfriend is on the couch clapping away like "Here she comes...Miss America!!" *sigh* But I manage to finish my walk of shame without spilling any tea.

Weight loss (when intended) is good. I feel better physically and have less pain. yay me! Smile I just wish I had tied a belt around those stupid pajama pants...



Kathy I think you should just forget pants all together. You have lost weight show it off.

I had to look up who this girl is, she is a naturally good looking young lady as you can see from the pic on the left, but Holy Moses she rocks that outfit on the right, what a transformation from her and well done to you as well kathy, ditch the pants as they are boring as midi type skirts are back in vogue again.

Pics or it didn't happen :P

It's more fun to dance with no pants. You can not trip on the hem if the pants are to long. You do not have to worry about them falling around your ankles, it is cheaper to dress for dancing if you only wear a top. There are other reasons but I will not go into those.
Evil Elf

thanks guys. I've been distracted lately w/ family stuff. I have more to say but gotta fly.


Yeah, ew. I saw a mouse in the kitchen the other day. I don't know if you guys have seen those very old cartoons where some woman sees a mouse and leaps onto a chair and screams? I always thought they were sexist in a silly way. Not offensive, just kind of dumb.

Well, guess who's feeling dumb now? I don't know how I got on the chair. I may have levitated and I felt as if all my blood had rushed to my head and then made a side trip to my stomach. I didn't say "eek" though. I may (very likely) have screeched a curse word that rhymes with "duck" .

Right? You guys must be shocked that I would screech at all, never mind using such language. *cough* I guess the cold weather has driven the little mousies inside. Like I need this crap right now. Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie, my ass. I don't hate the little, mousies, I just don't want any in my house. There's limits to hospitality, you know.

So I believe I saw a request for "pics or it didn't happen". I don't have any pics of the mouse so you guys will just have to take my word.


Brrr. Going pants free might not be advisable. Smile

mousies come in from the cold, your forecast is similar to mine but, on the upside, my fire-bushes are turning Smile

Mousies do come in to escape the cold weather. That is one reason I might put on panties do not want them going in any hole they might find when I am not wearing pants.

Well, well well kathy, you've turned into a shrieking girlie, its not as if a mouse is a ferocious killer with a penchant for pissing up some females leg as a laugh now is it?, unless its an howling mouse and if you met one of those you'd have wet panties and a pool of water on that chair with you.
I never thought I'd see the day that our warrior princess would be heard saying that she was cackling like a witch stirring her brew on Halloween night, it seems as if wonders will never cease.

Okay, that was an interesting video, especially the scorpion bit. The critter itself is even sort of cute, but that demonic fricking howl? WTF. I bet Robbie Burns would lose his shit over that particular beastie. I don't really know why the mouse made me freak out. I had not seen one in a long time, coupled with the fact that they are so fast and small. Just ugh, creepy. Plus mice and other rodents poop just about constantly. Disgusting.

The foliage is almost gone by, but there are still splashes of color. Fire bushes don't grow around here as far as I know but the Burning bushes are still pretty. Probably not for long as we've had a few nights below freezing.

bare_elf wrote:

Mousies do come in to escape the cold weather. That is one reason I might put on panties do not want them going in any hole they might find when I am not wearing pants.

I wouldn't worry too much Lili. Most mousies are afraid of pussy "cats". Tongue

kathycf wrote:

I wouldn't worry too much Lili. Most mousies are afraid of pussy "cats". Tongue

I know mousies are afraid of pussy "cats" but what about pussy "cats" that enjoy playing with mousies? My pussy "cat" likes to play. Tongue

Get some catnip for your pussy cat. Smile

This cat likes to play with Gandalf.

I will give catnip a try. Do I make a tea of it, stuff my pussy "cat" with it, or eat it?

bare_elf wrote:

I will give catnip a try. Do I make a tea of it, stuff my pussy "cat" with it, or eat it?


Eh, all three. We're only young once right? YOLO and all that. Just be careful of stray leaves.

My sister told me to do a Youtube search for Owlkitty the other day, so I'm being a huge fangirl about her. Owlkitty, not my sister. Tongue