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Yay...and Thaks!

Although this is coming after a bit of a delay, I am hoping that can be overlooked. Through the kindess of 2k Games, our favorite admin, the other StheD site staff and the machinations of a few others (YOU know who you are...*wink*); anyway, I have recived a copy of Broken World all for my little self. A big THANK YOU to all involved.

One has the choice of choosing a pre-made character, or converting a saved character from DS2. (the minimum level for an entry into BW is 39) I chose Sascha the ranger. After character creation you see a short introductory movie sequence...I have seen a few of those from older games and maybe I am too much of a n00b...But wow! It was so cool to see characters actually talking instead of dialog being "spoken" with oddly shut mouths. I guess there are some Gandalf looking wizards you can't trust.

Clicking on the thubnail will open the picture in a new browser window. Sacha and her sorceress friend are embarking on their first adventure.

I am looking forward to playing this exciting game (and if you know me from Herena Forge, you know you can expect lots of screenie Wink )

I don't want to give any clues or spoilers, so get Broken World if you haven't already! Smile



How goes the gaming?

This week is pretty hectic because American Thanksgiving is this Thursday. I have to Ugh. I like to have more than 45 minutes to spend with a game, you know? Wink

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Heh, I had totally forgotten about thanksgiving.

For which you should give thanks. Unless you want to come and bring your world famous Swedish pancakes... Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Ah yes, those are good. Smile

Now I have a craving for pancakes.. and I who were in recovery..

Hiya K

I've had the BW expansion for a few weeks now, but I haven't started it yet, cos I'm still only half-way thru Vet level on DS2 - I'll catch up with you later on..

- looks cool, though!!

I'm all excited, I've just been told that my new graphics card arrives on Monday..
..should be interesting - I'll post up a screenie as soon as I can.. :woot:
..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!

Ooh, nice. I bet you are looking forward to that Blondin. Smile I am really at war with myself about continuing BW or finishing the DS2 campaign. I really can't make up my mind.

Oh my gosh, I just realized that the title of this blog post is "Yay...and Thaks" Thaks, huh? :P

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

kathycf wrote:
Oh my gosh, I just realized that the title of this blog post is "Yay...and Thaks" Thaks, huh? :P

Well you do spell like a crow so.. ;P

Isn't that just like a Swede? Wink

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.