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Who is this Scarthrall guy? |
Submitted by kathycf on Wed, 2018-07-11 03:05 | ||
I came across this file the other day in the LoA expansion.dsres. I don't recall seeing it in the Aranna storyline. He's a pretty cool looking gargoyle type thing, with a similar layout to the DS1 gargoyle except much more detailed. Perhaps it was to be a summon as well as a regular monster?
[t:template,n:scarthrall_ranged_summon] { category_name = "1W_evil_d"; doc = "dsx_scarthrall_ranged_summon"; specializes = base_ranged_scarthrall; aspect:experience_value = 0; [inventory] { selected_active_location = il_active_primary_spell; // [other] { il_active_primary_spell=spell_gargoyle_spear; } } } . Here is the complete template. [t:template,n:base_scarthrall] { category_name = "1W_evil_d"; doc = "Base Scarthrall"; specializes = actor_evil; [actor] { [skills] { strength = 7, 0; intelligence = 12, 0; dexterity = 5, 0; melee = 2, 0; } } [aspect] { experience_value = 8; life = 50; material = stone; max_life = 50; mana = 26; max_mana = 26; model = m_c_edm_SCARTHRALL_pos_1; textures:0 = b_c_edm_scarthrall; [voice] { [die] { priority = high; * = s_e_die_gargoyle; } [enemy_spotted] { priority = high; * = s_e_call_gargoyle_small_SED; } } } [attack] { attack_range = .5; damage_max = 11; damage_min = 7; } [defend] { defense=10; } [body] { avg_move_velocity = 4.990000; [bone_translator] { body_anterior = bone01; body_mid = bone01; body_posterior = bone01; kill_bone = bone01; shield_bone = bone01; weapon_bone = bone01; } [chore_dictionary] { chore_prefix = a_c_edm_ga_fs; [chore_attack] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = select_attack; [anim_files] { 00 = at; 01 = at-02; } } [chore_magic] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = select_attack; [anim_files] { 00 = mg; } } [chore_default] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = infinite_loop; [anim_files] { 00=ds; } } [chore_die] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = select_transition; [anim_files] { 00=dfs; } } [chore_fidget] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = select_fidget; [anim_files] { 00=dff; } } [chore_misc] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = select_transition; [anim_files] { slep = ds; wake = rv; } } [chore_walk] { chore_stances = 0; skrit = basic_walk; [anim_files] { 00=fl; } } } } [common] { screen_name="Scarthrall"; membership = gargoyle, monster; [template_triggers] { [*] { condition* = receive_world_message("we_anim_sfx",1); action* = call_sfx_script("gargoyle_hand_glow"); } } } [mind] { jat_fidget = world\ai\jobs\common\job_fidget.skrit; melee_engage_range = 14; personal_space_range = 0.5; ranged_engage_range = 14.0; sight_range = 14.0; } [physics] { explode_when_killed = true; explosion_magnitude = .05; fire_effect = human_physics_fire; fire_resistance = 0.0; fire_burn_threshold = 20; gib_gore_good = true; [break_particulate] { frag_glb_scarthrall_01 = 1; frag_glb_scarthrall_02 = 1; frag_glb_scarthrall_03 = 1; frag_glb_scarthrall_04 = 1; frag_glb_scarthrall_05 = 1; frag_glb_scarthrall_06 = 1; } } } [t:template,n:dsx_scarthrall] { category_name = "1W_evil_d"; doc = "dsx_scarthrall"; specializes = base_scarthrall; [aspect] { scale_base = 1.4; } [common] { membership = gargoyle,gargoyle_friend,monster; } [mind] { jat_brain = world\ai\jobs\common\brain_hero.skrit ?get_friends = true &friends = gargoyle_friend &form_party_on_getting_friends = true &actor_creates_own_party = true &actor_joins_existing_party = true &party_template = "party_gargoyle"; } } [t:template,n:base_ranged_scarthrall] { category_name = "1W_evil_d"; doc = "Base Ranged Scarthrall"; specializes = base_scarthrall; [actor] { [skills] { strength = 5, 0; intelligence = 13, 0; dexterity = 6, 0; ranged = 2, 0; } } [aspect] { experience_value = 9; life = 8; max_life = 8; Mana = 10; max_mana = 10; [voice] { [cast] { * = s_e_attack_gargoyle; } [die] { priority = high; * = s_e_die_gargoyle; } } } [attack] { attack_range = .5; damage_max = 5; damage_min = 2; } [common] { screen_name="Ranged Scarthrall"; } [defend] { defense=9; } [inventory] { selected_active_location = il_active_primary_spell; // [other] { il_active_primary_spell=spell_gargoyle_spear; } } [mind] { actor_weapon_preference = WP_MAGIC; actor_auto_switches_to_magic = true; actor_auto_switches_to_karate = false; actor_auto_switches_to_melee = false; } } [t:template,n:ranged_scarthrall] { category_name = "1W_evil_d"; doc = "dsx_ranged_scarthrall"; specializes = base_ranged_scarthrall; } [t:template,n:scarthrall_ranged_summon] { category_name = "1W_evil_d"; doc = "dsx_scarthrall_ranged_summon"; specializes = base_ranged_scarthrall; aspect:experience_value = 0; [inventory] { selected_active_location = il_active_primary_spell; // [other] { il_active_primary_spell=spell_gargoyle_spear; } } } blogs: |