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Old timey ads...

The olden days sure must have been fun!
Smile Smile Smile
Stuffed Girl Heads

One of the nicest qualities is that they don't talk back!

I'm just curious about who came up with this idea, why they thought it would be popular and the workings of the mind who would purchase such an item.

The price seems fair, only $2.98. And well, sure, you could make jokes about Mary being a wallflower and how Karen is always trying to get ahead (groan), and there is a choice of hair color. All compelling reasons to buy a disembodied plastic girl's head thingy. But still...I get the feeling those trophy heads are going to be the only remotely female thing in this person's home. Plus don't forget that those vacant lifeless eyes will be watching you. Always watching.


She seems to have a look of terror mixed with delight that she is wearing this...transparent bucket thingy on her head, despite of OR maybe because of the glamour trim. Maybe she's singing, maybe she's screaming, durned if I know.

Large images below so I put thumbnails: clickyclicky

A special type lipstick
You really owe it to yourself to see the full size version of this ad. Not only will you avoid that wet paint look, your lips be compelling AND thrilling. Not to mention they will "match the pulsing color of the human blood". Any Game of thrones fans? Remember when Daeny is pregnant and goes through the ritual of eating the raw horse's heart?


Keep her where she belongs...

I guess someone really likes 1970's men's shoes. But if where she belongs is sprawled on the floor admiring shoes, how is she supposed to get her sandwich making done?

I suppose if I could lay around on the floor all day I would probably stare at shoes also. Then my boyfriend would come home and ask me if I missed taking my meds and also mentions that I have Dorito crumbs on my chest. Well, you can't sweep the floor if you are too busy lolling on it looking at shoes. Duh!
Woah! Stop the presses! A vibrating what ??!?

This item seems so practical and innovative. A vibrating bra! And it's great for relaxing! Take that Victoria's Secret with your fancy schmancy underwires and such.

How to talk on the Phone

Talking on the phone is srs business. Study this practical guide carefully to avoid making serious telephone mishaps.

Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere.

Ahahaha ha ha ha ha *cough* wait...AHAHAHA Ok, r i g h t.

Are you bashful?
This final ad shows true compassion and takes a forthright position on social anxiety. Shame! Just because you have nothing to be embarrassed about doesn't mean you can't still be humiliated! Shame those sad sacks to get out there and get socializing. Nobody likes a stay-at-home!
