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Yay...and Thaks!

Although this is coming after a bit of a delay, I am hoping that can be overlooked. Through the kindess of 2k Games, our favorite admin, the other StheD site staff and the machinations of a few others (YOU know who you are...*wink*); anyway, I have recived a copy of Broken World all for my little self. A big THANK YOU to all involved.

One has the choice of choosing a pre-made character, or converting a saved character from DS2. (the minimum level for an entry into BW is 39) I chose Sascha the ranger. After character creation you see a short introductory movie sequence...I have seen a few of those from older games and maybe I am too much of a n00b...But wow! It was so cool to see characters actually talking instead of dialog being "spoken" with oddly shut mouths. I guess there are some Gandalf looking wizards you can't trust.

Clicking on the thubnail will open the picture in a new browser window. Sacha and her sorceress friend are embarking on their first adventure.

I am looking forward to playing this exciting game (and if you know me from Herena Forge, you know you can expect lots of screenie Wink )

I don't want to give any clues or spoilers, so get Broken World if you haven't already! Smile
