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You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd

We ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud.
We might be laughing a bit too loud
Ah but that never hurt no one

Only the Good Die Young
-Billy Joel.

Disclaimer: You probably have not heard anything about my crowd and most likely could go the rest of your life happily not giving a fig. Me too, actually. Anyway I don't actually run with a dangerous crowd, or like, any crowd at all. I have no idea why, but I can't get that song out of my head the last few days.

Ham fisted Home Invasion. Well...not quite.

Several weeks ago, I'm sitting at my desk enjoying a hot beverage. I hear footsteps quickly coming up the front walk, up the front stairs and blam! Some total asshat comes barging right into my house. Naturally, I am rather alarmed. Grabbing the first object nearest my right hand, I leap into the air brandishing my Febreze AIR Freshener(Crisp Clean scent, just fyi). The erstwhile home invader looks at me like *I* am crazy as I scream at him and the best part is he's TALKING ON HIS DAMN PHONE the entire time.

Me: what the **** are you doing! Aggh!
Asshat: I work here ...
Me: What? NO! GTFO!

After I refresh the air with Crisp Clean scent, Asshat mutters something and leaves, still on that fecking phone. I call upstairs on the intercom and hyperventilate (probably too much Crisp Clean).

Me: Guy...*cough* came in. (Oh, btw, this *cough* is a clever way of foreshadowing coming events. You're Welcome!)
Boyfriend: Huhfuarrgle! *runs downstairs and out the front door*
Do you want me to call the police? Who is this asshat?

Ultimately I decide not to call the cops. Apparently the property next door sold and whomever has it is fixing it up. But really? Even if you are expected someplace to come and work, should you really just come barging into houses willy-nilly? And, well, can't we all use "willy-nilly" more in our day to day lives?

So, if you've actually read this far, you might be wondering why the door was open. The previous night we had some take out pizza (mushroom...mmm) for Monday Night Football and the door was accidentally left unlocked what with arms being full and so on.

Pneumonia! I has it. Sad

I wake up a few mornings later and upper back and chest are very painful and I have a bad headache. In fact, I feel miserable, so naturally I wait about four days to decide to call the doctor. After waiting on hold (absolutely HORRID muzak, btw) I speak to someone and then get put on hold again... Four hours (or ten minutes, whichever) I speak to the nurse and she is flabbergasted that I waited so long to call and thus puts me on hold, again.

Given my middle age-ishness (shut up, I'm not old) Nurse wants me to go to the hospital because I might be having a heart attack. Well, I just might *be* since I am really anxious and getting angry. But no, my heart is just ducky and the chest x-ray reveals that I have pneumonia.

yada yadayada- ER treats with antibiotic IV drip, prescribe more meds to pick up the next day (Friday). Pharmacy doesn't release drugs because the antibiotic is in the same "family" of drugs that I am allergic to. I don't get the meds until the following Monday after. Zoom forward to last Tuesday, I'm still really sick and my primary care provider just can't make any time to see me. So, they get me in to see this other doctor who promptly prescribes antibiotics, prednisone (for chest and back pain) and an inhaler. Ah! THANK YOU! I'm still a little sick, but much much better now.

If you read this whole thing, you are too nice. Thank you.
