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Amazon kind of creeped me out

I ordered a Kindle Paperwhite from Amazon several days ago. It's been really nice, better than I expected. Normally I'm sort of "old school" with reading. I like the feel of holding the book and curling up and reading. Local libraries have been closed for months and I was getting really frustrated. My sister suggested the Kindle Reader for the computer, which I liked. But...can't curl up somewhere with the computer and read. Kinda awkward.

So I thought, hey I got a stimulus check from the US Govt. $1200.00 in my checking account whispering "speeennnddd mmmmeeee". Being cheap as all hell I put most of it into my savings but decided to splurge on an early birthday present and got a Kindle so I can curl up and read anywhere. Yay!

The part that was a bit strange was that there was a photograph of the delivery when I checked my Amazon account. I suppose there must be some purpose (security?) but it was weird.

Now everyone can see how irresponsible I am. The house was painted about six years ago, but along the foundation looks really iffy. And what's the deal with not trimming back the azalea bush? Shock

Maybe Jeff Bezos will see this pathetic example of home ownership and buy me a new house.

It could happen...maybe.

