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Girl Power?

I have been experimenting over yesterday and today and came up with a couple of things:

I added a new skin to the playable gargoyle in dsrevived loa...
I redid the jade gargoyle to be a pink girly gargoyle
I made a small stand alone npc mod...I can now add in either Caitlin (melee) or Aine (pronounced's Irish) nature mage. I have gotten a little bored with the regular NPCs and decided to "make" a couple of girls. I am still playing around with what skins I want for them, plus the ever exciting task of making new hair ribbons. Right now I can add them in using the +party command and template name with the dark/light elf mod gui thingy, but I think I will try to make them summonable, similiar to the summon npc spell mod. Strictly for my own private use, since I would have to use the summon npc mod as a base to work from. I don't like plagiarism, hence the private use thing. Still, it has been fun. ^^

Nothing innovative, and I am not sure how these will work out long term...I feel sort of like one of those kids that is experimenting with a chemistry set down in the cellar, hoping I don't blow myself up but having fun anyway. All in all, it has been a learning process, since I have just been looking at files and trying different things and seeing what works. I feel a little proud of myself that I figured out this stuff by myself (although as I say, I am not doing anything innovative) and I did it all over yesterday and today.

One new playable gargoyle skin:

Girlish gargoyles...summon and caster.

Um, oops...weird things happen when I convert images back and forth and all over the place.

Better now...Caitlin and Aine
