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Naidi gets a makeover

I have been sort of struggling with this whole Naidi thing for a bit. I felt very guilty because she annoys me, and the simple reason that she does so is because she looks rather skanky. I felt bad, because in real life, I would never choose a friend based on their appearance, and I really feel there is such a thing as "inner beauty". It shouldn't matter how a person looks.

However, I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that I should lighten the heck up. It's a game! There is a big huge difference between game behavior and real life behavior. For example, in real life, I would never bash anybody over the head with a sword. Honestly. :P So, I said to myself..."Self, just give Naidi a makeover already". I am pleased with the results, actually. Now, I am going to work on Ulora. She isn't skanky looking, but she could use a bit of "ooomph". Smile

The original Naidi:

The new Naidi: ^^ I smoothed out her skin, brightened it, "tweezed" her eyebrows and put reddish highlights in her hair. Plus a new hair ribbon.
