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Toto too....

Well, let me just say I had the idea for a Toto mod since about Feb 2006...but had no idea how to do anything about it. So, now...yay for modding!

Right now I gave him a people inventory, with the attendent problems of not being able to equip armor/weapons in addition to needing to revise his skills and screen class. He can equip rings and amulets of course, so I can make some to compensate for the armor and weapons issue. I know there are a couple of mods floating around that use skrit to prevent auto equipping.

While I know it would make much more sense to have Toto be simply a pack animal, I thought the idea of him being a "real" party member to be pretty funny. ^^ (and of course if I had kept him as simply a summon I know I would not even have to worry about inventories and portaits at all. But oh well. Wink )

I was even able to "drdeath" him, which made him Toto, grand high siegemaster. Hee hee.
