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Thoughts on swearing...

So there is a discussion going on at my literature forum about swearing. Of course, like here, there are rules against posting swears, in addition to a software filter that catches the obvious culprits. Some people are completely against it, to the point of not finishing a book that has profanity in it and others are completely the opposite...not that they are pro-swearing but more that "those are just words, and any word could have the potential to be harmful..."

I am sort of on the fence about the issue. Excessive swearing makes me uncomfortable (especially sexually explicit terms) and also, when every other word out of someone's mouth is profanity it leaves me with the impression that they aren't too bright. However, in the right context and used minimally I am fine with it. I swear a little sometimes myself occasionaly...(shocking!) especially in traffic because I really hate to drive.

Someone expressed that they didn't even care if their children swore because swearing was not a big deal to them. Words don't have the power to offend as they are only a collection of letters....I found that to be rather disingenuous as words are the very essence of communication...they convey specific ideas. I think some words are by association far more "loaded" than others...words can convey degradation and contempt, especially misogynistic terms and also racial epithets. It was suggested to me that I was naive, and that I was afraid of swearing which I found somewhat amusing since I had stated two pages prior that I can get quite heated in traffic. ( I did mention I hate driving, right? Wink ) The phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" was bandied about. *rolls eyes*

I grew up in a pretty rough household and was subject to some pretty strong language and verbally abused ( in addition to other abuses that are not relevant to this topic) and I got pretty annoyed because um, "naive"? Give me a break. A person who has dealt with verbal abuse may be naive in other areas (possibly) but not about the power that language has, especially to a vulnerable or impressionable person.

So...what are your thoughts on swearing? Do you swear a lot, just a little or not at all? Is swearing ever appropriate? If a parent, how would you feel about your child swearing? Feel free to chime in with what you think, but mind your language! ^^
