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Why are some smaller monsters harder to kill than the big ones. I mean why do for example small Gremals small spiders have more life than the bigger ones. Has nothing to do with them being smaller so harder to see. Elves of all the races have the best vision, and my rangers do not miss once they acquire a target.

Why are weather reports wrong 90% of the time with all the advances in Doppler radars and climate modeling.

Why do people become stupid when they run for elected office. I think I can answer this one, to run for elected office one must be a bit stupid or at least crazy. No matter how much money you make sitting in Washington not doing anything you promised, you never recover the money you spent out of your own pocket getting elected.

Why do people vote for people running for elected office. People have been doing this for hundreds of years and they never learn, you never get the person you voted for as once they get into office they do exactly what they want and not what you wanted them to do.

Why does the government attempt to control your personal preferences. It does not work. If it had the world would be a very very dull place.

Why do I have questions like these?




Weather is very unpredictable due to many, many possible factors. It's hard, if not impossible, to measure all of these and come up with an accurate prediction. The only way to predict it will likely involve seers and magic.

People vote for those who are running because many people aren't intelligent enough to live by themselves. Even if they did, humans tend to be very selfish beings. I am told outside of the human world, it all relies on being open minded towards those around you.

The government 'controlling your personal preference' is pretty much the entire idea of a government, so without that, it'll be (especially with the human mind set) chaotic.

You have these questions because you're smart enough to noticed problems within humanity. This one really is that simple; those who do not question it are fools and/or idiots.

With weather, you have people being stupid and not realizing that changing the stats to fit theory does not work such as N.O.A.A saying this was the fourth greatest amount of ice melt in the Arctic when satellite data and the the U.N climate monitoring commission announcing this was the fourth SMALLEST ice melt recorded with re-freeze starting on August 15th

Some smaller critters are tougher then larger ones. As an example, the amount of nerve agent needed to kill a 900lb bull or 250lb man will only make a 80lb goat a little dizzy as it take 4 time the dosage to kill said goat (not fun to watch training video tho)

Nature of Bureaucracy is to have everything neatly categorized and bound up in rules.

Insane Dwarf :ph34r:

Our votes are basically just suggestions!
So ultimately it doesn't 'matter' who we vote for. If there are two candidates with semi-equal standing, one of them will be elected whether you continue to be involved in the polls or not.
The sole fact that the 'Electoral college' exists is proof that our votes are just there to make us feel good about ourselves. To make us feel like we're politically involved and informed when really we're still pretty much sheep.



Good point Raymus as the Electoral Collage is under no legal obligation to follow the public vote. Woodrow Wilson in 1916.
