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Bobby in a Box

I know this blog entry isn\'t about Dungeon Siege, and thus of limited interest, but I thought this was so funny. For some reason, the more silly something is, the more appealing it is to me. And well, this is pretty silly... Laughing out loud

Lord of the Rings online is having an anniversary celebration, with various ways to collect different types of tokens. The tokens are used to barter for different items, such as a mount, some gear that can be cosmetically equipped and other various toys.

Deciding to forgo my \"bah humbug\" ways, I participated with my hobbit hunter (whose name is Bobby, natch :P ) and got enough tokens to get some things. The gift box goes in the shoulder slot and the cake is a hat. And I love me some hats.

The mount is a *fireworks laden mount* and it is pretty cute. Every so often as you ride around a random firework shoots out. I would think that would really scare a horse, but eh, I guess not in this circumstance.

His beady little eyes peeking out...

For Pony!



I have always liked birthday cakes and hats. So a birthday cake hat is very cool, and the character is very funny. Kind of like the Hatter Madigan in \"Looking Glass Wars\"

Yeah, he is pretty funny. Every time I log into the game the character selection screen always makes me laugh even if I play another character. Silly Bobby.

The nice thing about the cosmetic gear is that it can be dyed several colors and also shared with other characters in a person\'s account. Cake hats for all! Smile