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Failed Attempt at Bringing Back Team Elemental's Mantis in DS2 (Now Working!)

I tried to create an evil mantis using Team Elemental's model, animations, and textures. It oddly has four textures. I anticipated an error.

Here is the error Siege Editor gave me:

Placeholder model substitution - illegal model 'm_c_elem_mantis' for Go at ''
Placeholder texture substitution: illegal texture 'b_c_elem_mantis_01' for aspect 'Art\Meshes\Items\Global\m_i_glb_placeholder.ASP' in Go at ''
BoneTranslator: unable to translate Nema bone name 'bip01_head' (check spelling?)
Illegal bone translation from 'bip01_head' to 'body_anterior' at 'world:contentdb:templates:actors:evil:a:base_mantis_melee:body:bone_translator'
Invalid parent bone name
m_i_glb_placeholder has no WEAPON_GRIP
Invalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_dff-01' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

You will need to either locate the correct file or you can choose to remove or comment out the entry from the parent GAS fileInvalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_rl' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

You will need to either locate the correct file or you can choose to remove or comment out the entry from the parent GAS fileInvalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_di' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

You will need to either locate the correct file or you can choose to remove or comment out the entry from the parent GAS fileInvalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_at-01' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

You will need to either locate the correct file or you can choose to remove or comment out the entry from the parent GAS fileInvalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_mg-01' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

You will need to either locate the correct file or you can choose to remove or comment out the entry from the parent GAS fileInvalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_dff-01' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

You will need to either locate the correct file or you can choose to remove or comment out the entry from the parent GAS fileInvalid PRS 'a_c_elem_mantis_fs0_dsf-01' was encountered while building list of subanims for "m_i_glb_placeholder",
This was the first PRS name encountered so there is nothing to use as a substitute

Now that I think about it the problem might be forgetting to add the NNK. I'm rather rusty!

Edit: I got it to work after adding Elemental's NNK and fixing the file directory. Error free now Smile


In game screenshots:

I think I hear something.

Take that!

Noob mob!



Wyvante wrote:
I tried to create an evil mantis using Team Elemental's model, animations, and textures. It oddly has four textures. I anticipated an error.

Now that I think about it the problem might be forgetting to add the NNK. I'm rather rusty!


The NNK may be the reason as you say. I've converted some of Team Lazarus's models to DS2 with their permission and most of my problems was to do with the NNK, especially as the base folders are different.

After adding Elemental's NNK, there are less errors.

Placeholder model substitution - illegal model 'm_c_elem_mantis' for Go at '' BinaryFuelDB - JIT condensing dir art\bitmaps\characters\elemental\.....OK BinaryFuelDB - JIT condensing dir art\bitmaps\characters\elemental\mantis\.....OK BoneTranslator: unable to translate Nema bone name 'bip01_head' (check spelling?) Illegal bone translation from 'bip01_head' to 'body_anterior' at 'world:contentdb:templates:actors:evil:a:base_mantis_melee:body:bone_translator' Invalid parent bone name m_i_glb_placeholder has no WEAPON_GRIP BoneTranslator: unable to translate Nema bone name 'bip01_head' (check spelling?) Illegal bone translation from 'bip01_head' to 'body_anterior' at 'world:contentdb:templates:actors:evil:a:base_mantis_melee:body:bone_translator' Invalid parent bone name m_i_glb_placeholder has no WEAPON_GRIP BoneTranslator: unable to translate Nema bone name 'bip01_head' (check spelling?) Illegal bone translation from 'bip01_head' to 'body_anterior' at 'world:contentdb:templates:actors:evil:a:base_mantis_melee:body:bone_translator'

I'm going to have to tweak the NNK and double check directories I think.