So then, Lili gave me an idea
Submitted by kathycf on Mon, 2013-03-04 13:09 | ||
I had been playing a few different maps with Bare Elf's latest mod, Flower's Armor. I was thinking to myself about alpha channels, catmansion girls and armor. Specifically, if I could make some armor also utilizing alpha channels. My work is not as clever as Lili's, but I managed to make a small set based on my own armor stuff, as well as work by ZIG (Warcraft and Neverwinter Nights mods) Lurker and one piece the Elf will recognize... There are more pieces in the set, I made 14 armor skins in total. While I was testing the armor I remembered PhoeniX's "LoA Cutie Girl revived" mod and that the models in there could also use alpha channels. Plus sunglasses! I ended up making all new armor icons for this mod since I have OCD. :P Well, I do, but the real reason is my ankle and leg were hurting like a SOB over the weekend and that I simply *had* to make icons while sitting around resting. blogs: |
Very nice work kathy, I am interested in seeing additional work.
thank you for reminding me about PhoeniX's "LoA Cutie Girl revived" mod and that the models in there could also use alpha channels. I will have to revise my armor's readme file to say.
Mod requires either cat matsion adepts or LoA Cutie Girl Revived but not both.
I added a few more screens. If you want to play around with it, let me know and I can email it or upload it. It is a small file, about 2mb.
I didn't do anything fancy with the templates. I have put pcontent on some things in other mods, but I just left this one alone for random modifiers.
Nice work once again Kathy, Have you updated the mod link?
I sent it to you by email. My webpage is acting stupid and being difficult about uploading.