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Slang...All the cool kids do it.

A while back a few of us discussed slang in all it's wondrous glory. If you will remember, I expressed some sort of old person dismay regarding all this terminolgy and oh so cool abbreviations. Well, now I gots myself my own defintions so nyah.

oh my gosh's variant. used to excite one another. this is used constantly by those who make fun of people that say omg and lol.

"zomg u teh very cool lolz!1111oneoneoe"

pimp, cool, lovely, and neat-o. especially used in relation to the way something looks: an aesthetic judgement. (etymology: a congruence of the words "snazzy" and "fancy").

"Joy's new hand-made and hand-dyed silk scarf in a mandala of tangerine, avocado, and cobalt blue was super snancy, and everyone knew it."

Either a typo of the word "The" or a way to show extra emphasis onto the next word.

hostage lunch
Meal purchased by the company, often pizza, and delivered for employees who bosses require them to attend a meeting or work over their lunch hour.

"I was planning on running some errands over my lunch hour, but the VP is keeping us in a meeting. At least he ordered us hostage lunch."

Kraft Singles
A Chicago slang term meaning dollar bills. Derived from another slang term that refers to money as cheese. (Originates from slices of cheese produced by Kraft Foods)

"Yo I just cashed my check so I got a wallet full of kraft singles, drinks are on me"

Christmas lights still present on houses in February

"the neighbors still have not taken down their febulights."

fruit snacks are off the heezy
desserts derived from the fruits of plants are exquisite on my taste buds.

D & M
Deep and Meaningful.

"Sorry buddy, having a D & M with the girlfriend... catch ya later."

"You can shut up now." Used mockingly in reference to people who, using stupid-looking internet shorthand, will say "k thx bye" ("okay, thanks, bye") when making a request on a message board or chatroom.

"I don't think I'll be risking massive security holes in the software just so that you can write in pink. K THX BYE"

1. An exclamation of anger, frusteration, pain, or angst.

2. A holy figure that fights for your safety online.

3. A hairy waffle: mixture of Snuffles and breakfast foods. And -- it's alive and has feelings!

4. A word to confuse people and be undefined for all time to common mortals.

" Oh w00fles, she's done it again!"

"May w00fles bless you on your journey"

An expression of joy and excitement.

"I just got an A on my test. w00t!"

It derives from being “owned” in an online FPS game, like DOOM or QUAKE.

If someone frags you, esp. quickly, they consider you “owned”. If they type “owned” in the text message box too quickly (because they’re too busy shooting stuff), they hit the “p” key instead of the “o” key, because those keys are spatially local, and they end up typing “pwned”. Eventually, “pwned” became more popular to type than “owned”.

"I totally p0wned those rebels!"

A person who stays in school to avoid real life.

o noes
What you say when something goes horribly, horribly wrong.

"My arm fell off. O NOES!"

Definitions courtesy of Urban Dictionary. Smile



Sharkull's picture

I like the "hostage lunch" one... but it's not as bad as a boss scheduling a "lunch and learn" session for everyone (where you are expected to bring your own food, and eat during a presentation... asking any questions between bites I guess). :roll: I've even run a couple L&L sessions myself (they weren't my idea... really).

"k thx bye" sounds sooooo harsh... I'll have to remember this one (in case I ever need it Evil ).

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Wow...... can you imagine what would happen if these people who talked like that were placed in The Land of Literal Language?

People would be for sale in pawn shops with shrink wrapped cheese in their wallets..... Shock

I think my two personal favorites were "fruit snacks are off the heezy" for the sheer incongruousness of the phrase and the wording of the definition, and "W00fles". Another was "Febulights"...not that I personally am aware of people who are too lazy to take down Christmas lights....*looks innocently around and whistles* Nope, I don't know anybody like that at all.... Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.