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Oh, Wreally

Yes, well. Indeed.

So I got to thinking about bell bottoms and other assorted fashions a few days ago after reading the comments regarding my Jerry Seinfeld/John Travolta farmboy skin blog. I searched on the web for some photos just to see if I could find pics that were as bad as the stuff on TV when I watch my 70s cop show reruns. And well, yup. Pretty hideous. Therefore I love it! I'm weird and contrary that way. Smile

Ah, the good ole days. When looking like a couch was just the thing.

So, groovy?

"Gee Sandy, these sofa pillow covers your Gramma crocheted make far out shorts"

Yeah, uh...No.



Oh, the memories... *shudders*

Yeah, I'm old enough to remember the green denim 3-piece suits my parents bought for me and my brother (circa 1975). Couldn't find a pic online of what they looked like (lucky you), but found something even more hideous.



I love this! Laughing out loud

I'm trying to think of what stands out more in this picture.

The stiff Helmet hair and porn star mustache.

The "ascot" (scarf?) knotted oh so jauntily at the neck.

Color - limabean green vest paired with chocolate brown

The size of the collar, dude is going to be blown away in a strong breeze. btw, what is he holding? A coaster? :?

I don't know, it's more than the sum of its parts. It's so...70's

Oh and my sympathies re: the suits. Parents can be so cruel. Were they anything like these?

Wait, 3 piece suits? So, a matching VEST too? Ugh. Just, ugh.