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Animated Armor

Finally got my Animated Armors completed and ready for download.


Random screenies

Ehb screenies:

The walls don't have ears, they have Krug.

The girls want to refresh themselves after all those icky Krug. Too bad the bar is closed.

This is Shalindra from LoU, by the way. I added her in using one of the commands in the game console UI that comes with the Dark/Light elf mode. I like her much better than Naidi. Here she is with Dog's Cat gun. Meow!


Splatter II

As I said in my last blogpost I redid Lena to give her a face and skincolor that I liked better with the new haircolor I made.
I took her for a stroll on Sharkull's map and added Snit's gore mod to that. Here are some screenshots from that solemn day.

Haha, you missed!


Gave Lena a new face yesterday, some much better equipment than what you normally find at the start of a game and went to town using Snit's "Gore mod". Dang that was fun! We went mushroom training on Sharkull's "My Test World" and now she is suddenly lvl 20 so we can soon take on those pillow fighters. Smile Think I'm gonna do the rest of the training on the regular maps till I hit lvl 40 though. It gets a bit boring without the quests and the varying landscapes.


Where am I now?

Here is a question for Lili:

So, where am I now?


We finished!

Well, we finally completed LoA and now know how the story ends. Heh, not nearly as enthralling as the battle with Gom, but it was fun and I also got to see some things that were new to me.

Weird lake monster


In the rooms surrounding the Great Clock:

Fire elementals

Air elementals (I have seen these in LoU but the whole room full of them was pretty cool)


LoA multiplayer

I have never been a big fan of multiplayer, but I finally got the man to play a campaign of Legend's of Aranna with me. Well, that is inaccurate, because it was his idea to play Dungeon Siege multiplayer and he hasn't played DS in over a year. I suggested LoA because neither of us liked the NPCs in that game very much, and we never finished the map at all in single player. Currently, we just arrived in Demlock's Cut, so we are moving right along.

Dimunition spell:

Poor little Hassat kittens...

Cicatrix's anklebiters



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