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How is everyone?

Just popped in to say hi. ^^

Oh, and there's a new addition to our family. Milo was born two months ago. Smile


Happy New Year

Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I hope you new year's resolutions are successful. They will be if you make your goals small.




So I've got internet at home again. Granted, I haven't been as absent from the site as I'd previously thought. (Been spending a lot of time with sister, of whom does have internet) now I should be able to Czech in more often.
Not promising anything, though. Got a lot of other stuff on my plate at the moment.

So... Woo~


Me & Japan

So, as it turns out, Japan has been a part of my entire life more than most might think.

1.) My Father, before I was born, was stationed in Japan
2.) My favorite YouTuber, Nigahiga, is Japanese-American
3.) We've had nearly 20 Japanese exchange students (from two different companies)
4.) I've always enjoyed Anime, though I watch it more seriously
5.) I always loved Pokemon and Final Fantasy.
6.) Most, if not all of the consoles my brothers have owned are Japanese
7.) There's a Japanese native that goes to our church
8.) I've always found Japan to be interesting


Hey KathyCF

Hey Big Sister I have not seen you around for a while. Are you still Alive? In any case let me wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

What did the Krug say on his way out of the house to cut down a Christmas Tree? Grrr, grunt, tree, lunch, santa!!



Some Elven Music..

- I was searching through the cobwebs, and I found this little gem:

Moondog - Elf Dance




Not that anyone's been missing my ideas or updates- but I'd still feel a wee bad if anyone was wondering where I've gone and didn't have an explanation.
Long story short, without a deep journey through my heart and soul or whatever, life isn't so good right now.
Among the many problems I'm facing, I don't have internet anymore and I likely won't for a while unless I'm visiting family that does.



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