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There is no air in a vacuum

I am not sure why vacuum cleaners do not explode. If there is no air or at least very little air in a vacuum then it would stand to reason that the inside of the vacuum cleaner would have an air pressure of near zero and the external air pressure around the vacuum cleaner at sea level would be around 14 pounds per square inch. Therefore the vacuum should implode just as a submarine does when it goes below its dive depth. Go figure that one out.

Remember whatever the temperature of the room you are in is, it is always room temperature.



What's that, bare_elf? You're like super jelly of my new computer that I built?
You too, KillerGremal?
Oh, iryan, surely you jest.
Dark-Elf too? Of all people!

Kidding, of course.



Hey everybody.

I know everyone is busy with life and stuff but I wanted to say a quick "HI" and check in with folks. Stop by and say hey when you get a chance.


Where did everyone go?

Seems as if I am the only one here. Did the world come to an end and you all forgot to tell me? Have not seen a post here by a real person not The H----l Foods Corporation maker SPAM. There has been enough spam to feed every member here. Is that why no one is posting? I promise not to make you eat it.



Elf Smoke Jumper

Hi Ghastley,
Here is the chain saw that this smoke jumping elf used to use -- prior to almost getting turned into an ash pile.

That trip I am glad that Dog and Red where back at the base camp. Oh Ghastley how many bunnies are there in the rescue map?

I wonder how many people that are still here remember that map or have played it?
Maybe I should start a poll or is that a pole and find out how many people remember the map, have the map, or played the map.


Going to be AFK for a few


I know I don't post very often, but I am here checking in at least once per day. I am going to be away Monday the 5th and Tuesday the 6th. Try not to miss me too much... :silly: :P


Happy New Year

To everyone at StD, have a safe, happy and healthy 2015.



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