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Been a few days yonder.

A fortnight and another, methinks it's been.
I've been ridiculously busy with school. Junior year, and I'm sort of stuck in my lazy habits so I spend a lot of time doing make-up work. Even then, I'd be exceptionally behind as it's incredibly difficult to learn new things (I'm looking at you, Algebra and Chemistry.) So, the last time I've really had the TIME to play this here game was... last time I was on the site, actually. A while.


Happy Halloween

Hope your day is spooky!


pt 4

For Creepy part four, I drew inspiration from Dungeon Siege. Eight Legged Freaks!

I recommend viewing in full scream, er screen. :P


pt 3

Creepy part three is all about the clowns. Meet Twisty!


Creepy part two

I watched the movie Poltergeist as a kid on VHS tape. Anyone remember vhs? It's creepy that I'm old enough to remember vhs. Shock

Anyway, it was quite a scary film for its time. One of the creepiest scenes is set in the kitchen where somebody leaves a steak out on the counter. The meat starts crawling like an inchworm across the counter before erupting into a mass of maggots. Ugh!


Five days of creepy pt 1

Counting today, there are five days until Halloween, so I decided to post things that give me the creeps.

Look deep into his eyes. Careful, lest his eyes look back at you... :nervous:


Dungeon Siege II Deluxe Edition!

So I've finally made the decision. Despite it's price, I AM going to get the Dungeon Siege II Deluxe Edition. But not necessarily just for the game itself.
Yes, it is a retail copy which means more mods will work than with my Steam copy.
Yes, it has Broken World.
But it's for a bigger reason than that, really.



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