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kathycf's blog

Another eye, another shield (and surgery, boo)

An update to my OHMYEYE shield featuring 2 shields.

Warning! Long rambling story ahead. If you want the shields you can skip ahead and download them as an attachment at the end of the post.


Happy Lupercalia! (and that other thing that happens on Feb. 14)

So yeah, it is still Valentine's Day (here), for a little while. Tomorrow, however, marks the celebration of Lupercalia, a festival that may be of interest to our various wolfy fans. Smile

From Encyclopædia Britannica:



Do you guys know Lenny from the Simpsons? He's always getting stuff in his eyes. "OH my eye, I'm not supposed to get Republicans in it!" (teeehee)

Lenny's eye compilation:]

Well, I am having cataract surgery today (and that is more common for people over 40, not 55 as some other web page said. Not any where near 55 TYVM. The closest I have come to 55 is the speed limit on the highway!)


Hey guys

Hey everybody-

So things have been kind of up in the air for me lately. I think I mentioned that my cat, Stanley (15 1/2 years of age)is diabetic. He has had that for about a year and was doing really well. Then about a month ago his appetite started decking,,, bot horribly, at first just more off than on.


Happy New Year

Best wishes for a safe and happy 2017. Party Smile


Musical icon George Micheal passes away

George Micheal dies at age 53

This made me feel sad. I really liked his stuff when I was a kid. Even now, a lot of his songs still stand the test of time. More of his later work, not so much the "Wham" stuff. Great voice.

David Bowie and Prince also died this year, also musical icons. Sad


Just some skins

I've been doing some skinning. Makes me seem like some horrible serial killer. Angry

Nope, just harmless skinning fun. Innocent



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